Talk to me

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Tom stood and watched as the two men walked in and sat at the table.  He reached out and shook their hand. Despite the instinct to punch them both into the middle of next week, he knew he was here to help Molly, not get arrested for assault.

The three of them sat down at the table, and Angela brought over some teas.  She winked at Tom and scowled fiercely at George and his son.

"So. Talk to me." Tom sipped his tea and sat back, trying to appear calm and in charge. Inside, he was a seething mess of anger and questions.

"Where's Molly?" Iain was the first to speak.  "Is she coming?" He looked round at the door expectantly.

"No, not this time.  After your last calculated ambush..."

"Hey. Just a minute..." Iain pointed at Tom angrily."Just who the hell do you think..."

Tom stood up. "NO! YOU hang on a god damned minute. Molly and James fought hard to make a life after YOU, " he pointed at George after YOU walked out. Then, after she loses the only constant in her life, leaving her bereft and disoriented, you waltz back in and expect her to just welcome you?" He sat down, outburst relieving some of his inner tension.

"We don't have to listen to this. Come on, Dad..." Iain got to his feet, all self-righteous indignation.

"Son, sit DOWN,"  George finally spoke.  "Sit down and be quiet." His tone brooked no argument.  He looked at Tom.  They both recognised Tom. They just couldn't quite get their heads around he was there. For her.

"Tom," George let out a sigh. "We're honestly here for the same reason you are.  We both love Molly. "

Tom looked at him impassively. "Go on."

"Im dying Tom, I dont have long left. I want to reconcile if I can, to at least explain if not.  When I left with Molly's mother, it was the hardest choice I had ever had to make. I lived with that for the rest of my days. When Molly's mother died, I knew I had to try and make it right." He took a sip of tea. Tom was suddenly struck by just how ill he was.  He was also struck by the fact that Molly's mother was dead.

"So Molly's mum died? I'm sorry for your loss. Truly.  No matter the circumstances between us, that's hard for you."

"Thank you."  George smiled thinly.  "Iain will be all she has left when I'm gone."

"So tell me from the beginning. Help me understand so I can help her."

It was a sinple but sad tale. 

"I worked away a lot when James was little. It was a well-paid job, but it cost me dearly.  Moira - Molly's mum - she felt lonely and quite rightly so.  I loved her, I still do, but I just wasn't there.  She found someone who was. David Campbell, a local bigwig in the council.  Real pillar of the community type."  He wiped his eyes. "When she told me she was pregnant, I thought I would die of shame. Far from being angry with her, I was ashamed of myself.  We three - me, Moira, and Davie - agreed never to tell a living soul. All went well until Molly needed to go into hospital for a routine appendectomy. They discovered her blood type wasn't either of ours. It was her father's. The secret was in danger of coming out." He seemed to fade, tiring from all the talking. Iain put a hand on his father's shoulder.

"It's ok, Dad. Let me."

"Davie told Mum and Dad that he couldn't have his reputation destroyed. In the intervening years he had become a powerful player, he had influence and a reputation. If it was discovered that he'd "wandered," it would scupper his chances of ever being the big player he always wanted to be.  He had friends in high, very high, places.  He threatened to have their children taken into care and split up. "

Iain looked at George, who nodded, and Iain carried on.

"So they did the unthinkable. They left. Yes, some said they could have taken the children and run. They decided they couldn't hide for the rest of their lives. Davie, as we said, had friends in high places. They knew he would find them. They decided the children deserved better. They didn't deserve their weak parents."

"So you abandoned them because you were too weak to fight. You abandoned your daughter, you destroyed your son's career aspirations." The venom in Tom's voice was undeniable.

"You brought them into the world, then decided they were too much trouble." He sat forward, his face a hard mask. "And now, to salve YOUR conscience, you destroy her world. Well, I won't let you. I won't.  You didn't see her last night. You claim to love her? Then leave her the hell alone."

"That's not for you to decide." Iain said angrily. "You've no right. You're not even her husband. She's nothing to you. Just a little charity case to make you feel bet..." he never got to finish the sentence as Tom's fist made contact with his jaw.

Iain went sailing back and landed in a heap on the floor.  Tom lunged round the table and grabbed him by the collar. "You sanctimonious little shit!" He raised his fist to punch him again, but a voicd rang out.

"NO TOM. DONT. PLEASE. DONT. " A pair of hands grabbed his fist from behind, and he turned to see a pale and frightened face looking up at him.  "They're not worth it." Molly stood behind him, come out from where she'd sat in the back shop and listened.

He dropped Iain unceremoniously and wrapped his arms around her. "Im sorry darling, Im so sorry." He buried his face in her hair as he held her tightly.

She pulled back to see George helping Iain off the floor.

"I managed without you all these years, I can continue to do so.  And you're wrong. So VERY wrong. Tom CAN speak for me. Tom can say anything for me, HE is my family now." She sneered at them. "Now, GET OUT and dont come back. EVER."

She grasped Tom's hand and marched out of the cafe.  Outside, she stopped and took a deep breath.  Tom looked down at her. He had never been so proud of anyone in his whole life.

"God, I love you, Molly." He said and kissed her gently.

She didn't speak. She just looked at him, and smiled softly.  Then she collapsed in a heap into his arms.

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