So many questions...

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"Molly? Are you up there, love?" Tom called up the stairs "recorded delivery letter for you. I'll leave it on the stairs. Maybe the restraining order has come through at last love. You'd better move out tomorrow, eh?" he laughed and walked into the kitchen with the rest of the mail. Christmas meant it was the usual mix of cards from those who still went for that type of thing, adverts for local Christmas Fayres and the usual bills that didn't seem to care it was supposed to the season of goodwill.

Sticking the kettle on and a couple of crumpets in the toaster for a snack, he slumped into a chair at the table. Looking out of the window, it was grey and wet - very wet - there had been no running this morning. They weren't THAT sadistic.

Now, he stuck on the radio and hummed as he filtered through that morning's potential recycling. A couple of cards from distant relatives - his mum usually gave him his when she saw him - and the rest was, as he suspected, junk mail and bills. Stuffing the bills behind one of the bands on the notice board, he stood up and walked back into the hall.

"Molly?" he shouted and nearly jumped out of his skin when she answered from immediately to his left.

"I'm here." her voice was small and flat.

She was sitting on the bottom step, just staring at the document in her hand. Silently, she passed it to Tom, got up, and walked into the kitchen.

"Molly?" he said softly as he followed her. His eyes scanned the pages of what seemed to be a solicitor's letter. As he read further, he got to the all-important phrase.

'Regret to inform you of the death of your father and brother in an accident last month."

His head snapped up, and he looked at her. "Molly! Oh my God! Your Dad... your brother." he actually had absolutely no clue what to say. From the letter, it seemed the solicitor had only just discovered her existence and tracked her down.

She turned, gripping the back of one of the chairs next to the table. Her face was white, and her eyes filled with tears. He realised, though, that they weren't tears of sadness. They were tears of frustration and anger when she said.

"How DARE they do this to me? How DARE they? He wasn't my father, and HE wasn't my brother. My brother died months ago. I don't want anything to do with them, anything from them, I never want their name mentioned in my presence again."

"Molly? I don't understand. I know you didn't want to speak to them, but this? Why are you so angry, love? Please help me understand. I'm not saying you're wrong. Honestly, I just don't understand." he came and took her hand and led her through to the living room, sitting on the sofa.

"Read the rest." was all she said.

"As sole living relative, it falls to you to inherit everything. Including all property, cash, investments, and the like. This amounts to over £650,000.00 as of date of death. The one condition of all this, and this is non-negotiable, is that you undertake to move into and keep for a period of no less than five years, the family house in Carriacou, St Grenada."

"What!!!" Tom looked up, and his face was a mask of confusion. That's in the butt end of nowhere - nearer to Venezuela than any other land. Why the HELL there?" he put the paper to one side and added,"And why the clause? That's madness."

"It must be where they went. When they left. I know they went to Grenada on their honeymoon. Would make sense. As for the residency? I have no idea. I need to contact the solicitor anyway to tell him where to stick his inheritance. Five years? Five sodding years? I'm not leaving you for five bloody years. No matter HOW much money is involved. Does - did - he really think I would be so easily swayed?" she was dry eyed and indignant. "Tom, I don't expect you to understand, but I would really appreciate it if you'd come with me?"

"Darling, I don't begin to know how this must feel for you, but I do know that I am behind you 100% whatever you decide." he hugged her."Let's phone and make an appointment, then let's go and grab some lunch at the pizza place up the road. We can walk there, have some wine and pizza, and forget this whole sorry mess for a few hours. I have something I need to ask you, love, and it won't wait." he smiled, and she nodded.

"Sounds good to me. Let me get changed." she kissed him lightly and went upstairs. Tom had been acting "funny" for a week or so, lots of secretive phone calls and furtive conversations. Her mind had struggled to retain some semblance of sanity, but she was coming to the conclusion that this question could only be one thing. One thing she had absolutely no doubt she wanted.

Appointment made for the first week in January, they left the documents in the kitchen drawer and went out. It had stopped raining, thankfully, and they were wrapped up tight, so in the end, it wasn't such a bad walk. Hand in hand, they strolled along, one of two people spotting Tom and smiling. Usually very friendly and accommodating, Molly was surprised when he merely smiled and walked on quickly.

"Tom?" she pulled his arm a little, and he looked down.

"Yes, love?"

"Are - are you ok?" she asked gently."You're acting a little weird. Have I said something?"

"No, no, it's not you love. Honestly, I just have something on my mind. I promise, once we're inside..." he smiled thinly and walked on quickly.

They walked in and were seated quickly. Molly's stomach was in knots. What was going on? Was it... if it was, why did he look so nervous? He had no reason to be she smiled to herself.

Lunch was relaxed, well as relaxed as two people with a huge weight on their respective shoulders could be. Molly couldn't help but think about the will, and Tom? Well, he had no thought other than the question he was about to ask.

It wasn't until they'd finished their coffees that Tom finally addressed the elephant so close in the room that it was sitting at their table.

"Molly?" he took her hand, and she felt herself begin to shake. "I have loved you pretty much from the moment we met, although I must admit it took me a while to realise it. Sorry!" he winced and looked at her sheepishly. "But have no doubt, I am yours from now until forever."

"Oh Tom," she could hardly breathe. This was truly the stuff of her dreams. Her eyes met his, and she couldn't break his gaze.

"I - I need to ask you something, and I want you to think before you answer. Please." he smiled and looked at her, then delved into his pocket, producing a little box. She gasped, and he opened it carefully.

"Molly, would you please...." her eyes filled with tears, and as she looked down, he said .... "Would you name our new Puppy, please darling? Merry Early Christmas, love..."

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