Comfort ....

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She could, at last, really see why he did it. It was more than the sum of it's parts. Running was, in a nutshell, freedom. As they pounded the pavements and paths and even the grass from time to time, she was able to just relax. Yes, she was tired and sore and as they distances increased, so did the tired legs and sore muscles. But in all of this, one thing shone through... their bond.

Molly had never known anyone like Tom. On one hand he was the A-list, Hollywood Superstar. He was Loki, Henry V, Captain Nicholls, Hank Williams. On the other hand? He was Tommy Hiddleston with the golden retriever hair and the long arms that felt amazing wrapped around her first thing in the morning. The eloquent international charity ambassador and the dorky kid who learned his lines and tried not to bump into the furniture for a living.

Charity. That's what started this all off, she pondered one day late into the year as they made their way around Regent's Park. Tom's charity work. He was running this for them. She smiled inwardly, he'd hardly seemed charitable last night when he'd got home and fell headfirst into the kitchen as he balanced on one leg, rubbing his foot with the other. Charitable could hardly used to describe his language although it was as blue as their logo.

"What you smirking at Missy?" his voice broke into her thoughts. He smiled down at her and she giggled a little.

"Oh just remembering something funny. Nothing for you to worry about dear." she faced forwards again and, seeing their finishing line for the day, sprinted off. "come on Hiddleston, last one back makes the breakfast."

They got back to the house - their now shared house. Tom had asked her to move in with him a couple of months after the incident in the cafe. At first, she had been reticent, not because she didn't want to but because she did. She was afraid she would get too carried away. She was afraid she would expect things Tom wasn't ready to give. He loved her, she knew the without a shadow of a doubt, but to the extent her unbridled imagination would sometimes go? That was a different story. She didn't want to spoil the wonderful thing they actually had by fixating on things they did not.

Eventually though, she saw sense and relented. She realised she was just using her imagination as an excuse. She was afraid to lose again. What if they fell out? What if they had a fight and didn't speak for a week? What if..... it wasn't till that actually happened, she realised she was, in fact, in a real grownup relationship.

They'd fallen out over training of all things. She didn't want to do any. For a week, she'd just been well, fed up. It happens, marathon runners - any runners - can get fed up with the punishing regime. The careful diet, the early morning runs in the rain, the relentlessness of it all. To top it all, she got an injury. A strained ligament in her knee. It took weeks to recover and in that time, she lost the passion. Once she started running again, it was hard. Very hard. Tom was fitter than ever and she? She felt like a little tortoise compared to his hare.

"You can't give up. Not again." he'd said trying to goad her into action. Usually a gentle teasing worked. She was nothing if not competitive. Today however, tiredness, anxiety, whatever it was, caused world war three to erupt. It ended with Tom storming out her house rather than fight with her and Molly sitting crying tears of frustration in her kitchen. How DARE he? If she didn't want to run, she didn't have to. Who the HELL made him her boss? He had NO right.

Her phone pinged later that day, it was Tom. Just a picture. Of him, and a cupcake and a big smile. She burst into tears.

"I-I-I'm s-s-sorry!" she sobbed into the phone when it rang a few seconds later "I-I--Please - I don't - don't leave me..." she howled, getting more ridiculously upset by the second. Now she descended into that unintelligible gibberish that most people do when they're trying to cry and speak at the same time.

"Shhhhh kitten , shhhhh it's not that bad. Just a little fight. It was always going to happen eventually. It's no big deal I promise." came the voice that echoed not only through the phone but the hall. Standing there, phone pressed to his ear, cupcake in hand, smile on his face was Tom. He'd let himself in and crept into the hall. Now, he put the phone - and the cake - down and opened his arms. "Come on little one, I know something that'll make you feel better."

She launched herself into his arms and he hugged her tightly as she sobbed. "I'm sorry darling, I didn't mean to hurt you little one. I love you so much and I know you are capable of everything and more. I just went about it a bit wrong today. Forgive me kitten?" he stroked her hair and let her calm.

"Me? Forgive you? Oh Tom!" she started crying all over again and he pulled the cuff of his jumper down with his teeth, grasping it and using it to wipe her eyes. He smiled gently and sat her on the sofa.

"Yes, and as a gesture of my contrition, I brought you this..." he handed her the red velvet cupcake, complete with little red heart on the vanilla frosting.

Her eyes lit up, she had been so upset she hadn't eaten all day. Looking at it like a zombie seeing a victim, she pounced and grabbed it from him eagerly.

"Ohhhhhh thank you!" she said, eyes shining, "you really ARE wonderful!" she smiled and kissed him softly "I forgive you if you'll admit you need to forgive me too ok?" she paused and he nodded.

"Ok" he said, knowing she would never give in otherwise.

"Good" she sniffed the cake "Now go and make some tea and we can share..." he was gone before she finished the sentence. When Tom came back a few minutes later, Molly was lying back on the sofa, eyes closed in bliss. Tom sniggered. He knew.

"Ok tea's here, where's my...." he stood over her, hands on hips. "Cake!"

Molly opened her eyes and blushed, "I have NO idea WHAT you mean? Cake? I saw no cake. You must have been dreaming sir. I only know there was supposed to be tea coming. Have you brought a cake?" she sat up and tried to look innocent.

Tom sat next to her dejectedly. "Oh well, looks like I'll have to make do..." he said sadly.

"Make do?" she asked, suspiciously.

"Yes, make do." he turned and with a lunge, grabbed her and threw her back on the sofa. " you seem to have saved a bit for later." he leaned over her and his face was millimeters away. Slowly, he licked the frosting from her lips. Savouring each swipe, his breath hot and ragged in his chest. His tongue was warm and soft, investigating her lips, running along and dipping into her mouth making her gasp. She moaned softly, a flame bursting into life. Her body began to move unconsciously beneath him and she felt his own desire against her. She gripped his arms, panting, trying not to lose it there and then.

"Oh dear God Tom." she breathed, looking deep into his eyes, "have you any idea...."

"Yes." he said softly "oh yes..."

Their tea got very cold.

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