Chapter 2: Tell Her The Truth

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While Remus was in the hospital, Violet was spending all of her days at school searching for him.

Every time she had asked James, Peter and Sirius where to find him, they'd mumble an excuse and walk away with tears in their eyes.

Not that she ever noticed, as she was determined to find him. Remus, however, was determined to get out of the wing and speak to her.

"Poppy, please," He asked desperately. "I need to see her."

"We're getting in a shipment of your medication in a bit. Right now the other nurses forming a timetable for you on when you'll need to take it. Once it's here and you're briefed you can go, okay?"

He grabbed her hand. "Thank you," He nodded. "For everything."

"Don't think you're going to be completely free though, as you'll need to come here weekly for checkups."

Remus hesitated. "How do I tell her?"

Poppy folded a sheet and set at the end of his bed. "It's a tough situation, my dear. All I know is that you shouldn't prolong it. It will only hurt her more."

"But..." He sighed. "This may sound stupid but I don't want to tell her right away. I mean, I want to hang out with her a few days before all of her memories of me are tainted by my sickness."

"You don't want her to see you differently?"


"But Remus... Look, I understand where you're coming from my love, but the longer you wait then she may feel like you were lying to her and being dishonest. I know you're worried about how she'll see you, but she's your friend. If she ends up trying to look after you that would just be her way of caring."

A nurse walked in carrying a box of medicine bottles and a notepad.

"Shipment for Lupin," She smiled at him and passed him a pill bottle from the box, then began to write. "So Remus, take three tablets a day with a glass of water at breakfast, lunch and dinner. No drinking, smoking or consumption of any other drugs, regardless of whether they are medicinal or not because they will conflict with your meds. You'll need to come visit us every Wednesday after class for a check-up. Got all that?"

Remus nodded and she passed him the paper, which was just what she had said written down.

"Any problems with this and you can come to us, okay? Also, we may take you out of some lessons for a quick chat to see if you're feeling okay. If at any point you don't feel good and we aren't there then just leave the classroom and get here. We'll explain to your teachers that you weren't well if that does happen."

Pomfrey took the needle from out of Remus' arm and put a plaster on where it had been. He got up from his bed wearily and went to the bathroom with a clean uniform and a jumper of his own that James had left for him yesterday. 

He felt weird with it back on after having been in a hospital gown for the past few days, but he felt a bit less weird when he went back out because Peter, James and Sirius were sitting on his bed.

"Alright, mate?" Sirius grinned. "We were just talking about how your arse had imprinted on the bed."

"You lot are perverts," Remus laughed weakly.

"It was James who pointed it out." Peter shrugged. "If you're blaming anyone then blame him."

James rolled his eyes. "I'm sorry that I'm comfortable enough to admit that our best mate has a nice arse, okay? Sorry for being attentive."

Remus took his book from his shelf and the medicine bottle, shoving them both into his bag. He walked over to Poppy and hugged her. "I'll see you on Wednesday."

He smiled and nodded. "See you Wednesday."

As the 3 boys practically escorted Remus out, Peter managed to drag the conversation to talk about Violet.

"She keeps on asking us if we've seen you."

Remus panicked. "What did you tell her?"

"We'd just give her an excuse or say we didn't know."

"But seriously, Remus, maybe you should tell her about-" Sirius looked at his shoes before he continued. "About the whole sepsis thing."

They turned the corner to find Violet walking with Pandora Lovegood, laughing as they spoke to each other.

"Now's your chance," James whispered. "Tell her the truth."

Remus watched as her figure grew more and more distant as she walked away.

He dropped his hospital bag and started to walk towards her. "Violet!" He called out.

She turned around to see the voice that called her name, and when she saw that it was Remus, she dropped her bag. Pandora grinned happily as she watched them.

The two practically ran to each other, and once together he engulfed her in a tight hug.

"Where have you been?" She laughed. "I've been looking everywhere for you!"

Remus grinned, forming a lie at the tip of his tongue. "I've been really busy studying, sorry."

As he practically gawked at how much she had changed, Peter looked at James and Sirius. "He's not going to tell her, is he?"

Sirius shook his head. "Not bloody likely,"

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