Chapter 13 | He Knows

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Violet was sleeping beside Remus on his hospital bed, her head on his chest as he breathed softly.

She was accidentally awoken by a boy entering the hospital wing, who seemed to have a failed potion scald on his hand.

He caught her eye and raised his eyebrows. "Violet?"

"Jayden?" She sleepily spoke, moving slowly away from Remus so as not to wake him. "What did you do to your hand?"

"Ah, I messed up a potion. I guess I'm not as good at them when you're not there to help me." He laughed.

Violet smiled and quickly glanced back to make sure Remus was still asleep, then she closed the curtain so Jayden couldn't get a look at him.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about missing the past few lessons."

He nodded to the now-closed curtain. "What happened to your little boyfriend?"

Panic struck her, and Violet came up with the best excuse she could without taking too long to think of it. "Oh, he's got a really bad fever recently. They think it might be a reaction to one of the plants in his Herbology class."

Jayden gave an unconvincing nod. "Ah, okay. Well, since he isn't awake right now, you don't need to be with him."

"Uh, well, I guess-"

"So do you want to hang out?"

"Oh, I'm sorry Jayden. Even though I don't have to be here I'd rather be here."

"Come on, Violet. Wouldn't you rather hang out with someone who's actually conscious?"

"He'll be awake soon enough. It's just a fever."

"Oh really?" He pushed back the curtain and laughed softly at Remus' state. "Because it looks like otherwise to me."

Violet looked at Jayden up and down, a look of confusion and annoyance on her face. "What do you mean by that?"

"Well, I don't really think I believe it's just a fever. I mean, your boyfriend gets new cuts every month and weirdly after every full moon. So, he's very obviously a werewolf. And only recently he's been getting medical attention every single week, so that means something else is wrong with him now."

"Shut up-"

"And all of his friends have been especially teary-eyed now, so that means it's got to be something fatal. And I mean, with all of those cuts it's impossible to treat them all in time and there's one particular fatal illness that you can get from infected cuts."

"Jayden, stop it-"

"And that is sepsis."

Violet, using all of her strength, shoved Jayden so hard that he almost fell to the floor. "If you tell anyone about it then I swear to God, Jayden, I will find a way to hurt you before you can even blink."

"Are you threatening me?"

"Do you feel threatened?"

He laughed. "You know what I feel, Violet? Pity. I mean, you've only just managed to date him and he'll be dead in, phew, only a few months, I'm guessing? I mean, if I were you I wouldn't see a point in dating him at all."

"Jayden, I'm saying this in the nicest way possible, if you don't walk out of this place right now, I will fix that scald for you by removing your hands." She glared at him. "Leave."

"You heard her," A boy spoke up. Jayden turned around to be faced by James, Peter and Sirius. "Leave."

"Okay, okay, but if you ever want to reconsider my offer then..."

"Please, if I were to reconsider your offer then I'd check myself into an asylum before I could think twice. Goodbye, Jayden."

He smiled and left, and once he was gone James looked at her with a confused expression. "What offer?"

"He wanted me to leave Remus to hang out with him."

Sirius burst out laughing. "He's got to be joking, right? He can't seriously think that you would leave Remus. I mean, he can't seriously think he'd be able to get you regardless."

"Guys, I have something to tell you." Violet lowered her voice to a whisper. "Jayden found out about Remus."

"What?!" The three yelled in unison.

"Hey, what's going on?" They heard softly from the other side of the curtain.

Peter frowned. "Did you tell him about Remus?"

"No, I swear on my life I would never. I told him that if he told anyone then... well I guess I just threatened him."

"Guys?" Peter pushed the curtain back and Remus sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"It's okay, we know you didn't tell," James whispered to Violet before walking in and sitting down beside Remus. "Everything's going to be fine.

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