Chapter 12: Cuts, Aches and Bruises

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"Remus..." Violet stepped closer to him. He had just turned back. "Remus, it's okay."

Remus is crying on the ground, shaking as the deep wound on his stomach bled out. "It hurts."

Violet put her hands to the gash, trying to restrict the flow. Her eyes scoured the room for something to use to apply pressure, and she quickly grabbed an old blanket she spotted and tied it around him.

Frantically, she held his face with her bloodied hands and kissed his forehead.

"I know, it's okay. I know. I'm going to get you some help, alright? I'll be back-"

"Don't leave me," He bawled. "It hurts too much."

She kissed his head again. "I promise, Remus, I'll be right back with your friends and some nurses."

He tried to hold her hand to stop her from leaving, but his body was falling so limply that he couldn't even try.

Violet ran outside, giving them the sign that it was okay to come in. When they all went in with a stretcher and meds, Remus looked for her.

"Violet- Where's Violet?"

James moved to the side so he could see her, "I'm here." Violet held his hand. "It's okay, I'm here."

"It hurts, Vi, I can't breathe because it hurts-"

"It's okay, it will all stop hurting soon." She smiled. "Just calm down, everything will be okay."

"He'll be awake in an hour or so," Poppy whispered.

"How are his... uh, cuts?" James asked, unsure if he wanted to hear the answer.

"They're healing slower than they would before he was sick, but they're not a cause for concern. They will heal, but just slower than before."

Sirius looked at Remus with tears in his eyes. "I know we have to be strong for him and that but...God, it's so fucking hard when he's in this state."

Violet looked down at her hands, which were thickly coated with Remus' dry blood. "I, um... I'm going to get some air."

She sniffed and left the hospital wing, and walked outside. Half of the students were either asleep or eating breakfast, so the courtyards were empty.

She walked to the Black Lake and sat on the bank of it, submerging her hands in the water in front of her and letting the gentle current wash them.

"You've known him longer than any of us have." A voice from behind her spoke. She turned around to see Peter, with tear stains down his cheeks.

She nodded softly and swallowed. He sat cross-legged beside her. "I just..." He spoke airily, his voice softer than cotton. "I don't know how you're handling all of this."

When she didn't answer him, he spoke again. "I mean, you're his world. And I'm guessing he's yours... The fact that you're just so okay about it is..." He laughs. "I've cried every night since we found out and here you are, staring straight-faced as you wash his blood-"

His words were cut off by a sob, and he looked over to see Violet's head facing her lap, squeezing her eyes tight as she bawled.

He instantly began to shake his head. "I'm sorry- I'm so sorry, Violet. I- I didn't mean to make you cry-"

Peter scrambled into the water and sat before her. He grabbed her hands and began to wash them softly. "Please, Violet, I didn't mean to make you cry."

Violet looked up at him, "I bought him a few birthday presents when I was in France... and now he won't live to open them on his birthday." Her face was red and blotchy.

"And one day the clothes of his that we had just washed won't be worn by him and- and the essay that he was planning to finish won't be finished and-"

She shook and laughed softly as she cried.

"One day he just won't exist." She gulped. "And that kills me."

Peter held her hands, both of theirs in the water.

"One day he won't get to eat breakfast in the morning, and he won't get to say how he likes his tea and he won't get to have an opinion because he won't be there. And I don't understand. I don't understand how someone can just be there one second and then... they're gone the next. And I'm upset because while I don't want to lose him, I'm scared for him."

He smiled sadly. "I think that if maybe you told Remus about some of the things you're scared about then he'd be able to relate to you. You guys might enjoy it, you know, being able to find such common ground."

"We're dating. How much more common can it get?"

Peter laughed. "Come on, Violet. Wanna head back now?"

She smiled softly. "Yeah, sure."

Peter gave Violet a chocolate bar. "I'm sure you're hungry after being awake for over 24 hours."

Violet laughed and gratefully accepted the snack. "I'm starved."

As they walked back, Violet ate the food she was offered, and Peter wondered where Remus had gotten a girl like her.

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