Chapter 7: Make Memories

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James, Peter, Remus, Violet and Sirius all sat together in the boys' dorm collecting things to put in Remus' time capsule.

Violet and Remus had the things they wanted in it in her bag. Peter, James and Sirius were still rummaging for things.

Remus and Violet sat on his bed, going over everything.

"So, Remus, when are we going to open this time capsule?" Sirius asked as he opened a drawer.

"When I'm gone, I guess." Remus shrugged.

The room went quiet for a moment. "But then you won't be there to open it with us."

"Well, what's the point in opening something after only 5 months? Besides, I've got something for all of you that I'm going to put in."

He held up 4 envelopes.

"Oh come on, Remus, we've talked about this," Peter sighed. "If you want to tell me you're in love with me you don't have to do it in a letter."

"Oh Pete, you already know I'm in love with you," Remus grinned. "I don't think I need to write it again."

Peter feigned embarrassment then turned back to looking. "So what are you putting in it?" Remus asked Violet.

She pulled out some old photos, a small plant pot and a jam.

Remus took a look at the photos, which were him and her when they were children up to 5th year before they were separated. He grinned as he flicked through them, before pointing to the pit and jar. "Why these?"

"The jar is from when we went to that beach in Cornwall when we were kids. You ate a whole jar of jam and cleaned it with seawater just so you could capture the sunshine." She grinned. "You refused to let anyone open it!"

James, Sirius and Peter were now looking at the two. "And the plant pot?"

"We were in my back garden when you saw these dying flowers. I think they were Dahlias... anyways, we begged my mum to let you take it home so you could save it, and every day for almost a year I went to your house so we could water it."

Remus stared at her in awe. "I can't believe you've kept all of this."

"Of course I did!"

As she put her hand down, it landed on Remus'.

The boys had gone back to looking for things and it seemed to only be Violet who noticed the goosebumps travelling up Remus' body.

"Is everything okay?" She frowned, weaving her hand to hold his.

Remus shuddered but smiled. "Yeah, everything's great."

Peter had finally dug a hole in the very corner of the field. The 5 all put their objects into the metal box and placed it in, and began to recover it with soil.

"Wait!" James gasped and rustled around his pocket, then pulled out a flower packet. He tore it open and placed a seed in the middle of the soil. "Okay, you can continue now Pete."

"What did you plant?" Sirius frowned.

James grinned and looked at Violet and Remus. "I raided a Herbology classroom and found some Dahlia seeds for those two lovebirds."

Violet rolled his eyes at the nickname. "Relax, Potter, we aren't-"

"James, can I actually speak to you?" Remus asked.

James' expression faltered for a moment. "Yeah, sure."

The two stepped away. "Look, I appreciate you trying to help me out but I don't want your help."

"But you like her, Remus, we all know it except her." James shook his head.

"I've liked her since fourth year, James, and I think that if I still haven't told her then we simply shouldn't be together. Especially since I'm going to be dead soon. It's better if I don't let her know how I feel."

Tears began to form in James' eyes. "But at least she'll know you loved her before you left."

"And what if she likes me back? What then? I get to live my last moments in glory before she spends half of her life recovering from the death of her best friend and her boyfriend?" He shook his head. "It's not fair for her."

"Remus I really think that-"

"Boys!" Violet called out to the two. "We're going to the Three Broomsticks, are you coming?"

Remus looked back at James. "You have to tell her, Lupin."

He shook his head lightly at James and called out to the others. "Yeah, I'll be right with you."

"Potter? What about you?"

James sighed. "Yeah, I'll come."

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