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"Does my hair look alright?" Violet looked at Remus, both stood behind the stage curtain.

"Your hair looks great."

"Great as in looks great for clubbing or looks great for national television? Because I need it to be the second one."

He stood up and looked down at her. "Violet, you are beautiful."

"I'm nervous."

"Don't be. You've made it." He smiled. "Look at the date."


She laughed softly, this was ridiculous. The date? It was a normal date. It was the 23rd of March. It was normal.

"March 23rd. What about it?" She frowned.

Remus looked down at her with soft eyes. Crying eyes. Longing eyes. "I'm so proud of you, Vi."

"Hey, why are you crying?" She frowned, wishing she could push the tears away. "Remus, why are you crying?"

"It's been 20 years," He smiled as tears streamed down his face. "And look how far you've come. I'm so fucking proud of you."

"20 years?... 20 years. I'm so sorry I forgot, Remus, I'm so sorry."

20 years ago, Remus had died.

And here she was, now having forgotten all about it, accepting an award for being the creator of the cure for Sepsis.

"You're healed." Remus had never looked so full of life, in all of his years of death. "I can go now."

"What? But- But I don't want you to leave. I want you to stay." She began to tear up. "I can't do this without you."

"You can do anything."

He smiled.

"Go on, accept your award, Vi. You've earned it."

"... Will you be watching?"

He nodded. "I'll stay for this one last bit."

"Violet, you've been called onto the stage." One of the workers spoke.

"I promise I'll visit next year, okay? That's all I'm asking. Every anniversary, come back for one more day." She whispered.

"Okay. I'll see you next year." Remus smiled.

Violet then stood up and began to walk onto the stage.

The lights were blinding. Someone was holding a large, framed certificate.

"Here, we congratulate Dr. Violet Watson, for miraculously discovering a cure for Sepsis. Dr Watson, if you please." 

She was handed the frame, and directed to the microphone.

Violet looked at the crowd.

"20 years."

"This has been my work for 20 years. But it had been my dream for 30. And seeing it now... holding this certificate... all I can think about is... What now?"

"What does one do after their life's work is finally complete? The one person who I would like to love after my hard work is the one who inspired me to work for it."

"But that person isn't here."

"So what now?"

She shook her head.

"Now I'm grateful. I'm grateful for my friends, who have been there for me when I've not been there for myself. I'm grateful for my family, where I have the support from the greatest mother and stepfather known to man. I am grateful for my muse."

"Because without him, I wouldn't be standing here right now."

"So while I know that only they would understand this, I will say it anyway."

"I love you... and I can't wait for next year."


"You will find me when you return,
even if you're a thousand years late."
- Dulce María Loynaz


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