Chapter 14 | Fine Dining + Detention

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"Hey, Violet, maybe you should go and get yourself some dinner," Remus spoke as she was shuffling the next deck of cards.

"It's okay, I'll be fine, I'm not leaving you," She smiled, trying to assure him that she was doing fine.

The thinning of her face and the sullen look in her eyes told him otherwise. "You need to eat. You know that. I'm a brave boy, I can cope being on my own for a while."

"But what if... something happens while I'm gone?"

"There are so many nurses here, Vi."

Hesitantly, Violet got up from his bed and hugged him. "I'll come back as soon as I'm finished, I promise."

And with that, she walked to the hall alone, only managing to hear the tapping of her shoes. But as she passed students in the hallways, she received many looks.

And she had been part of a rumour before, I mean, one time someone started a rumour that she was secretly working for some rival school which caused much hatred towards her years ago. But this was different.

The looks which normally would've been anger or disgust were... pity. Pity and sorrow.

She walked slowly into the hall and sat beside Emmeline. "Em, what's-... What's going on?"

She gave Violet a sorry look. "Someone found out about Remus and... now everyone knows."

No other words had to be said, because Violet knew. She knew who had enough spite to do this. She got up and stormed towards the Ravenclaw table.

She spotted him with his friends laughing happily, and all she wanted to do was knock the smiles off their faces. "Jayden."

He turned around and looked up at her. "Hey, Violet! I've just heard, I'm sorry about your boyfriend-"

"You disgusting bastard," She laughed. "What, I fucking reject you so you ruin my boyfriend's life?"

"Wait, mate, you told everyone?" One of Jayden's friends frowned. "That's fucked up."

He grinned. "I didn't say shit," And he looked at Violet with a horrid grin on his face. "Besides, it wasn't much of a life he had left anyways-"

Violet picked up an empty china plate from his table, raised it, and smacked over the back of Jayden's head, causing it to smash into hundreds of pieces all over him.

"You freak, what have you done!" He began to scream, trying to stop his blood from pouring out of the wound in his head.

She smashed his head into the table and spoke quietly and harshly, "If I were you Jayden, I'd kill myself right now. Because I wouldn't want to be alive for the fucking hell I'm going to put you through, you little shit. Never, ever, say shit about Remus again."

The next thing Violet knew, she was being dragged away from Jayden, who was looking so ashamed that he looked like he'd die on the spot. All of his friends had left him and moved further down the table.

She turned around to see McGonagall holding her. Violet hadn't realised that she had started crying. "It's okay, dear, let's get you out of here."

They had walked to her office, and after entering Violet finally fell to the floor.

"You do understand I legally have to punish you for this?" She asked her student. "You'll have detention for three weeks with me."

"You're not going to give me a huge lecture or something?"

"To be honest, Violet, I... I completely understand why you did what you did. That boy betrayed you and Remus and considering your recent circumstances, I know exactly why you reacted the way you did."

Violet looked up at this woman before her, who she just realised had the kindest eyes she had ever seen.

"It's just..." She looked at her hands. "It's getting so much harder to function. I barely eat, I barely sleep. I don't remember when I last showered."

Minerva smiled sadly and held her hand out to the helpless girl. "Come with me,"

"Head over the sink," McGonagall told Violet.


"Put your head over the sink and face the ceiling, I'm going to help you wash your hair, I'll make us something to eat and then I'll take you to the dorms so you can sleep."

Violet hesitantly rested her head over the sink and McGonagall turned on the warm water. "Why are you helping me? I just hurt a student."

"Not only am I your heard of house, Watson,  but I'm also a decent human being. I know that you need help with some things and I want you to know I'm going to be here to provide that support for you. Just because Remus is sick doesn't make you any less human."

She fell quiet at that, and just closed her eyes as the water began to run through her hair.

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