Chapter 23 | Dreams

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"Violet!" Sirius screamed, chasing her down in the hallways and pushing other students out of the way. "Violet, stop!"

She turned around so abruptly that Sirius accidentally pushed her a bit, but she shook it off due to his urgency. "What, what is it?"

"It's Remus, he-" Black panted heavily and put his hands on his knees and one finger up at her to say he needed a minute. "He- Merlin, I shouldn't have skipped those quidditch practices."

"Spit it out, Sirius!" She rolled her eyes.

"He can have visitors now! He's finally like- stable or something and we can visit him. He's asleep now but I think it would just be nice to see him if anything."

Violet smiled and grabbed Sirius' wrist, dragging him to the hospital wing with her.

They got to the hospital curtains until Violet hesitated.

Her fingers brushed against the fabric before she retracted her hand.

"Are you sure he'll be okay if we go in?" She asked Pomfrey.

"I'm sure."

"Come on, Watson, you've been waiting for this moment for ages."

Violet reached her hand out again, and got a good grip on the curtain, pulling it back.

Remus was still, lying down with his eyes closed. Almost... Inhuman.

"He's... You're sure he's alive?"

"I'm sure."

Slowly, Violet walked towards him, rubbing her hand along the frame of his hospital bed.

"I'll leave you alone," Sirius smiled. "I'll get the others."

Once she was left alone, Violet fell to her knees beside his bed. Days of preparing an apology had gone down the drain, and all words escaped her at this moment.

Her apology came out messily and almost incomprehensible. "Oh, God, Remus, please forgive me for everything I said, I didn't- I didn't mean to hurt you, I didn't mean any of it-"

"Violet? Is... is that you?" A very weak voice asked from the bed.

Slowly she staggered to stand up, and Remus' tired eyes were looking back at her. "Remus!"

She almost threw herself over him, hugging him tightly. "I missed you- I- I thought you were going to die!"

"Hey, don't worry about me right now. I've got a few months. Don't think I'm giving up that easily." He laughed, hugging her back with weak arms.

"The others are on their way, Sirius brought me here before he got the other two." She cried as she traced her fingers over his face. "I hate you for scaring me like that."

"I hate myself too." He touched her soft hair.

"No, don't." She shook her head.

He grinned. "Well, I don't know what you want from me, Violet."

"Forgive me."

"I should be the one asking for your forgiveness," Remus whispered. "I shouldn't have been so selfish."

She nodded and laughed. "Yeah."

"And I promise I'll never do anything like that again."

"Remus!" Peter smiled, crying alongside James and Sirius. "Oh my God, mate, I'm so fucking sorry for what we let you-"

"Ah, shut your mouth," Remus laughed. "Come here."

His friends hugged him, and the four of them all got chairs to sit beside him.

"So, have I missed anything important?" He sat up slowly.

Violet listened to the three boys fill Remus in on any gossip they had gotten because, to be honest, she didn't have anything to add.

She knew she should probably tell him that she... Had hallucinated him...

But now wasn't the time.

"Guys I know this sounds really corny to say..." Sirius looked at his hands as if expressing feelings was his greatest humility. "But for the first time in ages, everything feels right again."

"No, I get what you mean. Everything's been weird for a while and now," Violet looked at Remus for a moment and smiled, before looking back up. "It feels normal for the first time."

"Well, as normal as it can get," Peter added, reminding everyone of the heavy air.

"Still, I'm glad it's like this right now."

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