Chapter 6: Time Capsule

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Wednesday. The day for Remus' check-up. He begged Violet to go with him, and now she was holding his hand as a needle was about to go in his arm for his bloods.

He winced and squeezed her hand when it went through his vein, and she just kept on whispering, "It's okay," Over and over.

Poppy took his blood and it was collected in the sample tube. "Alright, I'm going to take this for a few quick tests while the nurse asks you some questions."

The woman walked over and smiled. "Hi, I'm Nurse Pruitt, is it okay if I ask you some questions?"

"Wait... Pruitt?" Remus frowned. "As in Castillo Pruitt in our year?"

She laughed. "Yes, I'm Castillo's aunt."

"Wait, who's Castillo again?" Violet asked.

"You know Castillo," Remus looked at her. "Short hair, Slytherin, works at the Three Broomsticks... Their best friend is that really quiet girl."

"Ohhhh! Yeah, I know Castillo and uh... I want to say Vienna?"

"Close," Nurse Pruitt laughed. "It's Vivienne."

"That's the one," Remus pointed. "Anyways, the questions."

"Ah, yes. There are only a few as this is just a basic check-up. So, firstly, how have you been sleeping?"

"It's been a bit tough since the pills but it's getting better now as I'm getting used to them." He told her.

Violet brushed her thumb against his hand as she felt it begin to get clammy. He instantly calmed down.

"Okay, next one. Have you been feeling any nausea at all recently?"

"No, not really. Well, not more than I would before I got sick."

She nodded. "Last one now, how have your breathing and heart rate been recently? Have you noticed any concerning changes?"

"No, they've been fine. The only times they've probably been weird is when I've had to walk up the billions of school stairs, but it's always been like that."

Nurse Pruitt smiled. "Alright, thank you. Pomfrey should be back in a few minutes to tell you if your bloods are normal."

"Thank you, Nurse."

"Thank you," Violet nodded as she left. She turned to Remus. "How's your arm?"

"Hurts." He shrugged. "I think you probably need to kiss it better."

"Oh, really?" She grinned, tilting her head.

"Yeah, don't you know? Kissing something heals it." He smiled.

"Remus, if that was true I'd kiss you a million times," Violet laughed wearily.

"Come on, please? Maybe it could at least placebo my arm into not hurting."

She sighed and he extended his arm, and she gently kissed his small cut from where the needle had been. "There. Is it better now?"

"Yeah, actually." He smiled. "Thank you."

Violet looked at her shoes. "... Can I speak to you about something?"

"Of course,"

"So... I was speaking to Pandora and she suggested that you and I make a list together."

"A list for what?"

"Of things you've always wanted to do," She looked at his brown eyes. "You know, obviously to some extent. It's not like we can take you to visit Mars or anything."

"So like a bucket list?"

"Yeah! But unlike normal bucket lists, we'll actually do this."

Remus laughed. "Yeah, sure, let's do it."

"Wait, really? I thought you would've found it stupid or something."

"No I really like it, and I like it even more knowing it will be done with you," He smiled.

Violet grinned, "Once we're out of here we can sit on the grass and start writing stuff, okay?"

"Sounds great," He nodded. Pomfrey came out of the testing room.

"Okay, Remus, your blood tests have come back and everything looks as normal as possible. You can go, and I'll see you next week."

"So, the list," Violet pulled a notebook and pen out of her bag. "Just name a bunch of things you want to do and I'll write it."

"I've not got many but... I'd like to spot my favourite constellation... I'd like to swim in the Black Lake at least once... Make a time capsule..."

Violet was writing all of this down.

"I'd like to learn how to paint... and I guess I'd want to have my first kiss or something corny like that."

She didn't judge him. "I'm writing that... not sure how I'd be able to help but I will write it anyways."

Remus laughed. "Thank you, Vi."

"Of course," She grinned.

"No I mean... not just for this. For everything."

"Hey, what best friend would I be otherwise?"

He looked at her lips for a moment and then at the ground. "I'm just glad you are my best friend."

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