Chapter 8: Fashion Star

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Violet finally tracked Remus down in the library and sat down next to him. "Lupin."

"Watson," He grinned. "What do you want?"

"You and me, after dinner, the black lake. Thoughts?"

"Wha- I-...  Sure!"

"Great," She smiled. "That's another thing to cross off your list."

To be honest, Remus had kind of forgotten about that. He felt so stupid that he had the idea that she was asking him out on a, dare he admit, date.

"So just wear your swimwear under your uniform and straight after we can go out and swim, 'kay?" She smiled.

He quickly shook his head to lose his train of thought, as he realised that she was still speaking to him. "Yeah, I'll be sure to do that."

"... Do you want to head over to the dorms now? I actually need to ask for your opinions on what bikini I should wear."

Remus almost choked on the air he was breathing. "Sorry?!"

Violet laughed heartedly, "Do you want to help me pick or are you just going to keep gawking?"

Violet did a twirl as she showed Remus another option.

As much as he complained about having to go and help her, he was actually enjoying himself.

And no, it wasn't just because of the half-naked, love of his life doing a mini-fashion show for him.

It was because everything felt normal for once. He wasn't worrying about how his medication made him sick or how long he had to wait before he could sleep.

He was just focused on her, laughing angelically and posing for him as if she were a runway model. There was no doubt in Remus' mind that she could be a model if she wanted to.

But he knew she didn't. He knew she wanted to be a teacher of Lycanthropy and to discover something great- something... useful.

"So what about this one?" She smiled, wearing a lilac bikini.

Even though he would never bring it up again, Remus still recalls when one night a few years ago, Violet very drunkenly admitted to him that she wanted to work for Lycanthropy to help him.

"That's my favourite, by far," He pointed. "If you don't wear that I'll hex you."

As the bells rang to signal the end of dinner, Remus and Violet practically ran out of the hall.

They laughed hysterically as they loosened their ties and threw their Gryffindor robes to the grass.

They took off their uniform, and then held each other's hand, standing at the edge of the bank.

"Ready?" Violet smiled.

Remus looked at her and smiled, "Ready."

Within the count of three, the two jumped into the lake hand in hand.

The freezing cold water shocked them for a moment, but they quickly adjusted to it.

Violet laughed and pushed her wet hair out of her face. "Fucking hell, you're mental for wanting to do this."

"Well, you're just as mental for doing it with me."

"Hey!" She splashed water at him and quickly swam away so he couldn't get her.

Unfortunately for her, though, Remus was an insane swimmer. So within seconds, he grabbed her hips and pulled her towards him.

Expecting to be dunked under, she took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

But she wasn't.

Remus spun her around to face him, and when she hesitantly opened her eyes he was just looking at her.

"... Are you not going to get me back?"

He cleared his throat and sniffed, then let go of her. "It would be better if it was unexpected, right? Element of surprise."

"Oh, yeah, of course!" She smiled, trying to conceal her disappointment that he didn't take anything further.

The two were now lying on their towels on the grassy bank, basking in the light of the half-moon and the stars.

Violet, propped on her elbows, mockingly asked him, "So, was it everything you dreamed of?"

Remus sucked his teeth. "Not yet,"

"Oh... Why's that?" She frowned.

Remus leaned in and kissed her, holding her head.

Violet didn't hesitate to kiss him back and was now entangling her fingers in his wet hair.

After what felt like a lifetime, Remus pulled away slowly. "Now, it was everything I dreamed of."

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