Chapter 27 | Dahlia

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When it came to the time to clean out Remus' belongings, Violet jumped at the chance to cling onto the remnants of him, to feel maybe some life again. Or to cling on to what was left of him for that much longer.

So here she was, sat on his hospital bed with a bag by her side to put everything into. The boys offered to do Remus' dorm bed so she didn't have to worry as much about that.

She opened the first drawer, which was full of all of the things the others had brought him. Things from other people. Get well soon cards, little gifts, letters of sorrow.

She put everything into the bag, shut the first drawer and then moved on to the second. There was a sheet of paper that seemed to be facing down.

Violet delicately picked it up, scared to damage it. It was a drawing, one of two Dahlias with two constellations in the sky.

Andromeda and Perseus.

This is what Remus had been working on, the thing that he said wasn't complete. The thing he will never complete.

She placed it on the bed, away from the bag so it wouldn't get ruined, and continued to clean.

After cleaning Remus' dorm bed, the boys remembered something. The time capsule.

"At least we planted that flower over it so we can find it. Genius on your part, James." Peter laughed weakly, trying to cheer the other two up.

"Thanks, Pete." James forced a smile, not daring to look up from the ground as they walked towards the yards.

"Don't you think we should do this with Violet here?" Sirius asked.

"We aren't opening it, just finding it. Watson might appreciate not having to claw through the mud after cleaning her dead boyfriend's bed." Peter shrugged.

They were quiet for a moment.

"I can't believe it's been over a week." James sighed. "I can't... I can't unsee her face when she left the hospital."

"Can you imagine, though? Waking up to... to nothing."

"... I heard this is the first time she's left her dorm in the past few weeks."

They looked over to where they buried the capsule and planted the flower, but there was no sight of it.

Peter rolled his head back, groaning. "The herbology students cut the grass every two months."

"... You're fucking joking."

"There's got to be some sight of it though, right? I mean, it can't be that hard to..."

The three boys all shared a look, before falling onto their hands and knees to dig at the dirt with their hands.

About an hour later, Violet walked out onto the yards to see the three, tiredly scraping at the mud with their hands.

"What on Earth are you doing?" She yelled, storming towards them. "You know they're not burying him at school, right?"

"We can't find the time capsule." Sirius sighed.

"But we planted that flower-"

"Herbology bastards chopped it." James gave her a look of disappointment, before smiling sadly. "How was it?"

"... If I tell you something you can't tell anyone."

She got on her hands and knees and tied her hair back, before digging with them.

"Promise we won't say a word. Just do tell us."

Violet looked around to make sure nobody was there, and then she spoke. "I kind of... took something."

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