Chapter 17 | Trust

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Violet went to her first period earlier than usual on Monday morning so she could speak to her teacher. "So, Miss Green, I can't uh... sit next to-"

"Remus? I know. I've moved your seats." Her teacher nodded. "He came to me yesterday to explain like he did with a bunch of teachers."

"Okay, cool. Well, I'll see you in twenty-"

"Actually, because you're here now do you think you can help me hand out the textbooks?"

"Oh... okay." Violet took a large pile of textbooks. "So what are we learning about-"

"Violet you do understand that you can talk to me if anything's wrong, right?" Miss Green looked at her student with a soft expression on her face. "About this boyfriend stuff or anything."

"... I know."

"Really? Because your closest friend is dying and you haven't reached out to any of the staff-"

"I just-" Violet sucked her teeth. "I just don't really trust any of the teachers here except McGonagall. You know, one word can instantly become staff room gossip."

"That's funny, Remus said the same thing."

"Well, there's something we agree on."

"Hey, I would never-"

"Miss Green, please," She laughed. "You and I both know that what I'm saying is just a fact. And regarding your input on the subject, I think we both know perfectly well who spread the information about the pregnant 5th-year girl."

The woman stared dumbfounded at her student. "I'll tell you what, Violet, you can have this lesson off. Clear your head. You and I both know that if you were in your right mind you wouldn't be saying this to me. I'll see you next lesson-"

Violet had already dropped her stack of books and stormed out of the class, shoving past a student, who she instantly recognised to be Peter.

He called after her, but she just stormed away.

"So Remus," Peter whispered across the table. "Today I get to this class early as I told you I would yeah? And I walk in to see Violet speaking to Miss."

Remus raised his head. "What were they talking about?"

"Don't remember exactly but Violet was basically saying that she wasn't going to tell Green anything about you and her because Miss told everyone about that Finnigan girl getting pregnant."

"Good on Violet," Remus nodded. "Miss is always sticking her nose in where it doesn't belong. I wouldn't be surprised if she were Snape's mother."

Peter snickered before continuing, "Yeah, but that's why Violet isn't here. Miss told her to take the lesson off and Violet got upset and pushed past me."

"Did you speak to her?"

"No, but-"

"Good. Don't pester her."

"Well, I tried to speak to her but she stormed away."

"What were you going to say?"

"Was just going to ask her if she was okay, but obviously I-"

"Are you boys done gossiping?" Green smiled at the two as she stood in front of their desk.

"Uh, yeah?"

"Great, you can tell the class what you plan on doing for your presentation on."

"But, uh- Peter and I have only been partners for a day. We haven't had time because I planned it with Violet."

"Well, use your plan with Violet then to show the class."

"But she's the one who came up with it. It's unfair for me to take credit-" Peter tried to reason with her.

"I don't see Violet anywhere."

"Because you sent her away from the lesson."

"That was for her own mental health, we teachers are allowed to do that-"

"What, her calling you out for telling everyone about a student's pregnancy is her fault?"

"Look, Lupin, if you had any-"

"Do you really want to be seen yelling at the poor dying kid?" Remus tilted his head. "Now that's something I know you wouldn't want to spread."

Miss Green sighed, putting on a plastic smile and talking through gritted teeth. "Right! You two can give your presentation next lesson then."

"Miss Green is such a chatterboxing little freak." Emmeline rolled her eyes. "And the fact that she was trying to make you think you had someone to talk to just so she can get her weekly gossip is so fucked."

"She should be sacked for that," Pandora grimaced. "The little shit."

Violet laughed but didn't bring up the fact that she was close to speaking about how she felt.

She knew and always knew not to trust her, but since she stopped speaking to Remus she's missed being able to talk freely without feeling like a mood ruiner.

And Violet knew that sounded messed up. 

'I can be depressed with him because he's just as depressed as me.'

But to her, it was so much more.

She could tell Remus about how she felt entirely alone in a room full of people and he'd understand.

She could tell Pandora and Emmeline that too, but they wouldn't get it.

"Yeah, but she won't be sacked. You know, the other teachers praise her for her ability to get students to speak to her."

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