Chapter 16 | Space

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"We're uh..." Violet spoke quietly, wrapped in a blanket with Emmeline and Pandora by her side. "We're fighting all the time and I-"

She laughed softly and shook her head. "I mean, I knew things were going to be difficult but this is... it's harder than I imagined. I don't know how much longer I can cope with this constant arguing."

Pandora wiped a tear from Violet's cheek, "Oh, honey, you guys will work this out."

"I just... I can only do this so many times. I'm tired of having to fight with him about his life."

Emmeline whispered gently, "Maybe you guys should take a break for a little while then."

"A break? As in-"

"I'm not saying you guys should break up, Vi, if that's what you're thinking. I'm just saying you guys should have some time apart for a bit. Both of you can get your heads straight and try and focus on yourselves. It might be good for you guys."

"So... We're breaking up?" Remus kicked at a stone amongst the grass in the courtyards.

No other student was there, as they were all busy finishing their last scraps of homework before the half term.

"No, that's not what I- it's just the girls and I think that maybe if you and I had some time apart to like, sort our shit out, then when we get back together we won't argue. It's- it's hard to explain but-"

"I agree."

Violet swallowed. "I think that when we both mutually agree we're feeling better and less argumentative then we can continue this as friends or a couple, but until then we shouldn't... um... see each other or anything."

Remus looked at her and nodded gently. "I understand. I don't want to fight either. I'll uh... see you ... whenever."

He walked idly away as Violet watched him leave. She slowly walked back to the dining hall, where her friends were waiting for her.

They had multiple deserts in front of them, which they must've scoured the kitchens for as it wasn't even lunch yet.

"Did you do it?" Emmeline whispered, slowly pushing a cupcake towards Violet.

"Mhm, it's done. He was fine, and he agreed it was for the best."


"What do you mean and? There's nothing else to tell, Dora, I told him, he agreed, and we walked away. He wasn't crying at my feet about it or anything."

"So that's it then? You're done for now?"

"We said we aren't going to speak until we can mutually agree that we're not going to fight and be able to talk through whatever's going on."

"That's really mature, Vi, I'm proud of you."

"Yeah, it will be hard for a while but you guys will find it easier as you both figure out what you want."

"She broke up with you?!" Sirius frowned. "What the fuck?"

"Guys, calm down, we didn't break up, we're taking a break. She and I keep on arguing and she said we should take time to work on ourselves so we can like be more mature about the disagreements."

"She does realise you don't have enough time to-" Peter was cut off by James.

"Guys," He looked at Sirius and Peter and shook his head. "Remus, I think that's really mature and you're both acting really well about it. Granted, it may not be the best situation but at least she cares enough about you guys to try and take time to salvage it."

"I still think she's a bit mental-"

"Sirius, stop." Remus stopped him. "Just because she and I aren't together together anymore doesn't mean you can shit talk her to appear that you're on my side. I don't have anything against her for it."

Peter sighed. "Sorry Remus, we'll uh be more considerate... I'm sorry."

"It's fine."

"I'm sorry too, mate-"

"I'll see you guys later, okay?" Remus offered a weak smile, before staggering out of the dorm.

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