Chapter 9: Entombed

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"I love him," Violet groaned into her pillow as Pandora and Emmeline sat beside her.

"Come on now, Violet, what's so bad about loving him?" Emmeline asked while she continued to gently stroke Violet's hair.

"Oh, I don't know Em, maybe the fact that he's dying?!"

"Don't take this out on her," Pandora held her hand. "Violet I know this is far from a good situation with him, but you can make it into a better one."

"... How on Earth could I make any of this better?"

"By letting yourself love him," Emmeline shrugged.

"You say that as if it's easy."

"It is easy. I mean, first of all, it's good that you know you love him now rather than you figure it out when it's too late! Use this time to love him completely so that when he's gone you can cherish the time you had with him."

She looked up at her friends, teary-eyed and pale-faced. "But when he's gone... what then?"

"Don't worry about that right now, okay? You've got a while."

Violet laughed softly. "So what now then?"

"You go for it. Go for him."

"Isn't that too soon though? I mean- dating him?"

"Oh, well I suppose you could ask him in five months."

"... Now it is then."

"So, why'd you get me to come here?" Remus laughed. "I mean you just grabbed my wrist in the middle of astronomy and took me to this clubroom."


"I mean, come on Vi, are you insane?" He grinned. "Well, I know you are-"

"I love you."

Remus sat back slightly. "... Say that again."

"I love y-"

Remus leant forward, holding her head and pulling her in to kiss him back.

"I love you too, Violet." He whispered softly, gently pushing her hair out of her face. "Wholeheartedly and full-spiritedly, I love you."

She smiled, ache and love filling her heart. "What do we do now then?"

"I don't want to hurt you by us dating-"

"You could never hurt me."

"... Violet will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course," Violet held his hand and kissed him again. "Oh, shit, you should probably get back to your class."

"I'd rather fail and get to keep kissing you, to be honest."

"Remus!" She laughed.

"Come on, it's not like passing it will get me anywhere in a few months anyways!"

She shook her head and looked at his hand, capturing a mental image of what it looked like.

The scar placements, his rings, his soft skin, all of it.

"I never want to forget you," She whispered. "Not one single bit of you."

Remus lifted her hand and kissed her softly on my knuckles. "My lovely Violet," He whispered. "Violet, Violet, Violet."

"Why do you keep saying my name?"

"You are... lovely."

"... What?"

"You don't have to remember me," He smiled. "I'd rather you forgot me and moved on than you spend your life entombed by the memory of me."

"But how would I live if I had forgotten you? How would I live without remembering your beautiful eyes or the adorable dimples in your cheeks or how genuinely perfect you are? What will my life be if I forget perfection?"

"... Peaceful." Remus held her face. "But we shouldn't worry about that now, okay?"

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