So We're Stealing Stuff From Josh Dub Now?

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Here to ruin you life: Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Texas, Hawaii, Russia, America, Oregon, North Carolina, South Carolina, Louisiana, Florida, Maine, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, South Dakota, Wyoming, Nevada, Georgia, New Mexico, Arkansas, Canada, California, Idaho, Connecticut, Washington, North Dakota, China, Colorado, Maryland, New York, Vermont-  I just hit the bill nye one. I'm done.

Alabama: I'm retarded!
Georgia & Kentucky: we know


Tennessee: The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. ✨beep✨ A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. ✨ding✨ Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start.
Texas: why the fuck do you have that memorized?


Hawaii: Hey Russia have you ever heard of the clown in Kmart that hides from gay people?
Russia: the what?
Hawaii: yeah no he's right he's-he's uh right there
America: *hides*
Russia: There's no one there what do you mean?
Hawaii: There's a clown right there!
America: *doin clown shit*
Hawaii: he's literally right there!
America: *hides*
Oregon: he was right there, I saw him
Oregon: Look there he is! there he is!
America: *hides*
Russia: Никаких клоунов (no clowns)


Hawaii: *laughing*
America: *clowning*
Russia: what?
Hawaii: he's right there!
America: *hides*
Russia: ha ha. Clowns hide from gay people, I get it.


Texas: hey you wanna do something fun?
North Carolina: no-
Texas: great!


Kentucky, in a bri'ish accent: no no don't breathe my air.
Kentucky: this is my richy richy square. *British laugh* marvelous.


South Carolina: what animal is this?
North Carolina: it's extinct
South Carolina: but that's a hor-
North Carolina, loading a gun: it doesn't exist


"If you feel like you're gonna die, just don't" —Louisiana


"Subconscious me did you do this? .... Subconscious me flipped me off." —Florida


Maine: look at how they misspelled cocomelon
Pennsylvania: GOTTA CATCH EM ALL
Massachusetts, carrying a child: gotta catch the kids!


“Wha- why the fuck” —South Dakota


South Carolina: people say that Hennessy is a drink, like how am I supposed to drink a state?


Wyoming: you have a very minor case of severe brain damage
Nevada: I have drain bamage?


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