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Celebraing almost 1.50K reads
I feel like just a second ago I published 'UTAH- California'
And then, here we are, at 1.50K, I honestly I think the reads jumped a ton from my last celebration-


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What was my first accomplishment on this book?

I think it was when Maplewooden started commenting on my book, because only a few people had commented/voted/saved the book.. (thanking her(?) existence)
That was a little goal
*get a few full time readers* right now it's just one

And I'm sort of surprised on how fast Maple comments-

Me: *publishes a new par-*

Maple: 🫠

Maple: 👁️👄👁️

Maple: gender be like





Maple: what did I just read

Aaaaaand then I get 50+ notifications

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