Chapter 1: The beloved character's show come back

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1 year of freedom. 1 year after everything happened was thought to be left in the past. Past is a relative term for Raven, because that living nightmare was never left in the past for her. And apparently the Devil thinks so too.

A headache that felt like her head was hit hard until she bled, cold floor that made her shoulder hurt from lying on the side on it that was uncomfortable and even painful, and a trembling,weeping voice of a friend she hadn't heard from in over 3 weeks that felt like long,lonely months. Those were the most worrying and silent weeks of her life.

And the voice of a friendly voice that came from her very nightmare.

"I don't wanna join the cast, please.." A voice echoed through her head, atleast.. what she thought was only in her head.

Her head was hurting, alot. She can feel leather and cold metal tie her wrists and ankle together. She was only just now waking up.

"Ranboo..?" She said weakly. Maybe this is a dream, or she was hallucinating, she hasn't heard from him in weeks. With her eyes closed she could only see red lights through her eyelids and voices, too early to think straight, to notice what was going on, to hear and recognize the voices.
She slowly opened her eyes and got a glimpse of the very room that almost ended her life a year ago, and the friend-like-brother in such despair. All the pain and sleepiness quickly disappeared and sat up fast.

"Ahh, you're awake!" That voice, oh fuck.. oh, fuck no..

" He..Hetch?" She looked around to find him in the room, but she was alone in this dark room. The only light was coming from the projector, the room was empty, but it  felt like in the corner of her eye was someone watching her, the various colors of lights reflected all over the room, giving texture to various wires and box figures. What was on the projection was what made her heart stop. What made all the sound in the world fall quiet. His cries were the only thing that echoed in her mind.

"What- What the fuck is this?" What was he doing here? Various things were happening in her head, all questions.

"Well, i'm sure you know all about what your friend Ranboo, we researched and found out you were his friend by the way, had gone through since you went through the same thing, different actors and set but all the same." He carried that same unserious and amused tone. As if he isn't killing people and using them as toys.

He's been here the whole time? Raven didn't have to imagine how scared Ranbo would've been, she knew all about this. "Why, Why are you doing this? Why him? Why bring me back here?!" All she could do was try to stand up and be free from these ties. She doesn't really know what she'll do next if she does happen to break free, but she couldn't just sit there.

"Like I said, reunion. We never lost you, Raven. We've been watching you. And the fact that you both have been here is such a coincidence, or not." The last two words twisted her thoughts and had opened up a new thought. He was chosen so they could hurt her. He got dragged in because of her.

"Wha.." Before  she could say anything she heard Hetch's voice in the video, "Hetch?" She had to check if hetch had really gone to talk to Ranboo. "Hetch, you bastard! Hetch, Don't kill him please! I'm begging you!"

"I wouldn't want that either," Hetch suddenly came back which made her stop talking in shock. "He would be a good actor for our shows. But, I guess we would get a new employee if it doesn't quite work out."

"What the hell does that mean-"  she was cut off

"But more importantly, why shouldn't I?"

"You- You can have me, instead." Not a trace of hesitation was heard, he couldn't just die because of her. "I'll be an actor for as long as you want. Just let him go, please." He meant the world to her, to see him surfer like this couldn't be put to words how much it felt like she was in his place, she wished she was in his place.

"Just let me die!" Ranboo shouted in the video. He has always been full of life. His life wasn't all that great, especially his mental health and battle with facial dysphoria but he always knew how to get back up. She never heard him wish death upon himself. To see him get broken down to the point of wanting death broke her.

"Strong words from our hero." Raven  could hear him say this in both her speaker and in the video.

"No..No..No, Ranboo, stop!!" she knew there was a chance to get 50% like she did and be set free. "Hetch!Hetch! Hetch, please! Let me take his place! Please!" She was trembling at every second she spent failing to convince Hetch to take his place, she could feel Ranboo be so far away, like he's already dead.

But the chance was gone and this is the last shot of saving him.

" I can't really do that, Raven. The audience is already setting their choice."

She looked at the scale and saw the "die" option rapidly had more votes as soon as Ranboo begged to die.

"Shame. Really is, but we can turn him into an employee. He can be a cameraman, I suppose." They're going to reuse his body.. He doesn't deserve this. He doesn't deserve to have puppet strings tied on him even when he turns into only a corpse.

"No.. No, leave him alone!" He deserves to have a grave. To finally be away from this company. To be at peace.

"The audience have voted for you to DIE" The boxed close and blood dripped all over him as he twitched in his last moments. And Raven felt her world come crumbling down.
Raven was frozen still, like a statue. Every second from the box closing, to the blood and twitches, Her mind grew filled with thoughts every second. Her jaw was left open as tears leave her eyes without even knowing, all she could do was sit back down from her kneel and take in the fact he's gone. She couldn't save him, he was crying. In his last moments he was suffering and alone, except for hetch taunting him.

Someone shouldn't die so young and sad and alone. They shouldn't spend their last.


A/n: Yay first part. Sorry for the rough start. And you can expect a drawing of raven, let me know if I should post it here or just on my TWT and insta.

ALSO I'm not sure how often I can post cause of school but I'll try :)

Also spolier since ppl might think otherwise but RANBOO IS COMING BACK IN THE BOOK

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