Chapter 12: Domino Effect

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Short chapter :P 

It was a saturday afternoon and Ranboo had been waiting for Raven to barge in his room as usual but there wasn't a call or text heard from her. And naturally he got worried and decided to visit her. He's noticed how low Raven's mental health has been for the past few days. One thing that her mother pressures on more than anything was her grades in school and today was the last weeks of school and only a couple days away from the finals, so she's stressed and been working on her requirements for the past few days which were a lot. One subject alone takes the entire day to finish.

He quickly sat up on his bed after thinking on what to do, on whether to go to her house or let her be. He came to a conclusion to atleast check in and leave when asked to. He came in through Raven's backdoor and went into Raven's room.

"Raven?" He called, she was sitting on her study desk and writing notes as she has been for the past few days.

"What?" She responded, sounding annoyed and not stopping on what she's doing. Ranboo came in and sat on her bed which was not far from the desk she's in.

"No call," He said, as he tried to bring it up gently, "You okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine." She answered, which was clear for the both of them that it was a lie.

"Have you eaten yet?" Ranboo asked,

It took a moment to finally answer. She forgot again..

"No,I,uh, kind of busy, right now." she answered, which worried Ranboo since it was already 3pm and she hadn't eaten anything.

"Not even breakfast?"

"God,no. I'm busy for fuck sake. And this is stressing me out so much, so just please! I've been working on this fucked up school system for days to not disappoint the parents who always are disappointed in me! Not a single care from them but i still have to suffer in this fucking room. So just fuck off!" She yelled and stopped her writing to let out a sigh to try and get herself back together again. She said so much more than she should've.

They fell into a silence as she went back to writing and soon her pen stopped writing as it ran out of ink. She lost her temper and angrily scribbled all over the page to get it to work and when it didn't, she threw across the room behind her and rested her head on her arms.

It's been a shit few days. She's exhausted over doing something she doesn't even like or care about. No rest whatsoever, she gets exhausted in school and gets even more exhausted at home, so even a small inconvenience keeps setting her off like a bomb. Like one gentle tap can cause the entire thing to come crumbling down.

All she could do was sob quietly in her own arms. She didn't merely have the energy to deal with every little thing in her god damned life. And at that very moment she realized what she was becoming again, what she just said to Ranboo mere minutes ago.

It hurt Ranboo to see her like this, even though she wasn't going to be the best person whenever she's like this Ranboo would always stay.

And so he got up and sat her up; placed her head on his chest for her to sob on as he hugged her. She hugged him back and sobbed as her shoulder shook in sobs.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry.." She fell into repeated muffled apologies. She always tried so hard to keep herself mentally healthy since this was the person she becomes when she's depressed and exhausted, everything in her life crumbles down which always leaves her exhausted with her thoughts in life. And when exhausted she'll lose energy to deal with any more shit life throws and her mean personality leads to pushing people away and destroying relationships and leads to her feeling shit about herself and it all goes falling down like a domino, one domino falling down leads to another and so on and so forth.

Relatable. Unfortunately. Hope you  guys are doing well :)

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