Part 1

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Your heart skips a beat to the sound of your alarm clock.
You don't hesitate to turn over in your bed and hit the snooze button.

You have been a trainee for a few years now and every day had been the same, like clockwork....

It was both physically and mentally exhausting.

Lately it had seemed even more difficult than usual to get yourself up in the morning.

You start to doze off again until you feel somebody force the blanket off of your back.

"If you hut the snooze button again I'm going to kill you!" Daeun, Your obnoxious dorm-mate, snapped. "Don't you remember the last time you were late for training? We all suffered for it!"

"Now get up!" She grabs you by both arms, physically standing you up out of the bed.

You shake her off, reluctantly getting ready and heading to training.

Because of your tardiness you were made to stay until about 1am.

You had started at about 6am, and were extremely tired... you decide to head outside, you desperately needed some fresh air.

You flop down onto the steps of the JYP building, your head cupped in your hands.

You were unsure if it were your nerves or the fact that you had not taken a break all day, but you felt dizzy... like all of the blood in your body had rushed to your head.

"I don't know how much more of this I can take..." You mumble to yourself, swallowing the knot in your throat. "Is all of this really worth it?"

You feels tears trickle down your cheeks, forming small puddles on the pavement.

"Hey, don't cry..."

You suddenly hear a soft voice speak to you through the darkness.

You keep your face hidden in your hands, embarrassed that you had been caught in a moment of weakness.

But through your peripheral vision you see somebody sit beside you on the step.

"Are you a trainee?" He ask and you quietly nod.

"Ah, I know exactly how you're feeling... I was a trainee myself for seven long years." He sighs. "There were many nights when I thought I couldn't bear it anymore."

You finally sit up, wiping your tears away with your sleeve.

You turn your head toward him. He had looked familiar, but you could not pinpoint exactly who he was in the darkness.

"During these moments you have to think about why you are doing all of this in the first place." He smiles warmly. " What is your motivation?"

You think for a moment, struggling to put your feelings into words.

"I've been through a lot of hardships in my life..." You look down, deep in thought. "But whenever I would feel sad I would look to my idols for comfort."

"Wether it was watching them preform or listening to their music it never failed to wash all of my sorrows away." You continue. "My idols were a safe haven to me, and I want to use my talents to be that for others... does that make sense?"

"That makes perfect sense..." He nods, his eyes full of sincerity. "But you can't be that person if you end it all right now."

He gives you a loving pat on the back, before standing.

"It's starting to feel damp, you should go back to your dorm before you catch a cold."

Although you did feel a bit better it took all of your strength to try and stand yourself up.

"I know you can do it, I'll be rooting for you-....?" He furrows his brows, looking to you for an answer.

"Y/N..." You reply.

He repeats your name back to you, a smile forming on his face.

"I'll be rooting for you, Y/N! Fighting!"

"Fighting!" You can't help but smile back.

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