Part 15

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Today was the day you had been dreading...

You had originally planned on staying in bed all day, but since speaking to Han, your outlook was a lot less bleak.

As you step into your clothes, you can hear a rattling of dishes.

Your room was the closest to the kitchen, so it was not a stretch, but the boys didn't use the kitchen very often.

Curiosity, as well as boredom, gets the better of you, and you head out to see what is going on.

You see someone on their knees, rummaging through the pots and pans.

"What are you doing?"

You spoke softly but still somehow managed to startle him, his head coming up and hitting the edge of the countertop.

"Ouch!" Felix lays a hand on his forehead. "Y/N, you frightened me!"

"Ah, I'm sorry!"

You hold his head, cautiously checking it for any bumps.

"To answer your question, I'm baking!" He gets up off the floor, a couple of metal bowls in his arms. "Would you like to help me?"

"I would love to! As long as I get to taste test it."

"Of course!" He grins, showing you where all of the ingredients were.

You were clueless when it came to these types of things but happily followed Felix's instructions with care.

He tosses the ingredients into the bowl as you whisk them together.

"Try to go a little faster. You need to get the clumps out." He smiles, wrapping his hand around yours and showing you how to move your wrist.

"I think I got it!"

He lets go and you try doing it on your own...

You end up accidentally whisking it too fast, and a cloud of powdered ingredients shoots up into your face.

Felix bursts into laughter as you cough and wave your hand through the air.

You get powder in your eyes and close them tightly, tears running down your cheeks.

"Here, let me help!"

He dampens a cloth in the sink and gently supports your jaw with one hand while wiping your cheeks with the other.

Even though your eyes were closed, you could feel his face move slowly towards yours.

You unconsciously open your eyes to see what he is doing, getting powder in your eyes once again.

"Keep them closed..." He whispers.

You can feel the warmth of his breath on your eyelids as he blows the flour from your eyelashes.

"Okay, you can open!" He giggles. "Is that better?"

Finally able to see how close you two were, you feel all of the blood rush to your cheeks.

He takes the bowl from your arms, politely taking away your whisking privileges and finishes mixing the ingredients.

You watch him over his shoulder as he pours the mixture out into a pan and lays it in the oven.

You both chat until the time goes off, and Felix removes the pan from the oven.

"Wow! It smells so good!" You exclaim.

You take in the sweet scent and reach over to grab a taste, but he quickly bats your hand away with his oven mitt.

"Nit yet! It's still hot!"He shakes his head. "Plus, we need to decorate it first!"

"Alright, alright..."

Once the cake cools down, Felix pulls out a large assortment of icing, sprinkles, and candies, and you both get to work.

When you finish the both of you step back, admiring your masterpiece.

Honestly, it was one of the most horrendous things you had ever seen, as you had mainly shoved it full of a Mish mash of everything you had at your disposal.

"It looks terrible... but I bet it tastes great!" You laugh.

"That's true..." Felix tips his head to the side, looking slightly confused. "But I think it's still missing something... what do you think?"

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