Part 25

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"You should pick one of the members to write a song with you... I think nothing would win Stays hearts more than a heartfelt song." Bangchan nods his head with a reassuring smile.

You were finally preparing for the release of your next comeback, it was a second edition to Christmas Evel, set to release on Christmas Eve.

"What about you? Could we write a song together?"

It's been weeks since the day you had confessed your feelings to Chan. Since then he had kept a safe distance between you, and you were unsure of where you stood.

"That would be fun... but I can't." Chan shook his head lightly. "All of the songs for this album were pre written with 8 members in mind, so now with you here I need to rearrange the lyrics to fit you, so I'll be busy."

You sigh as you watch Chan pick up his things from the table, avoiding eye contact.

"Maybe for the next album, okay?" He gives you one last nod before he left the room.

He was good at that... blowing you off in a way that was so kind you could not be mad, although you couldn't help but feel a little hurt.

You hold the necklace around your neck, feeling a little defeated. You didn't mean to push him away, but it seems that is what's happening.

You fall down onto one of the dining room chairs, laying your head on your hands.

"Hey Y/N, you feeling okay?" Someone asks as they enter the room.

You look up to see Felix, his eyes filled with concern.

"It's about the new album, isn't it?" He asks knowingly as he sticks his head into the refrigerator.

"Everything will work out, don't worry." His expression was reassuring as he pours himself up a glass of juice.

"Yeah, I suppose so..." You bite your lip. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, shoot!" Felix lays a glass infront of you and you sit up, not realizing he had poured up a glass for you as well.

"Would you write a song with me? For the album." You ask as you pick up the glass, taking a small sip.

"I'm not the best at writing songs..." He chuckles softly.

"I love your writing!" You nod and he shakes his head.

"For your first time writing a song I think your better off asking someone from 3racha, they're the experts." Felix suggests. "You've got to make a good impression on stay."

You knew he was right, you did want to make a good first impression... to write a song that would go down in stray kids history, but you had already been rejected by a third of 3racha.

"I think you should take it one step at a time." Felix suggests, noticing the stress in your facial expression. "You have plenty of time for the song, but the livestream is in a day or so. Perhaps you should think about that first."

The boys had planned a live stream to introduce you to stay, it was a part of the promotion and announcement for the new comeback.

"You're probably right." You sigh, rolling the liquid around in your cup.

"You'll do great, I know it." Felix flashes his usual warm smile, giving you a soft pat on the back.

"You will win their hearts, just as you won ours."

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