Part 8

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"Wow! You guys did amazing today!" You clap excitedly as they finish up for the day.

"I'm starving!" Changbin whines.

"We can go out for something to eat, but first I need to speak with Y/N for a second." Chan motions for you to follow him.

You go into the soundproof room and he closes the door behind you.

"So, how do you feel?"

"You were so cool, I'm honestly gobsmacked." You exclaim.

He smiles and his cheeks flush.

"I mean about my proposal..." He scratches his head shyly. "Have you made a decision?"

"I'd love to, but I still don't know if I'd be a good fit for the group." You sigh.

"Why not? You're extremely talented... you even taught us a thing or two today!" Hw grins. "Plus, all of the members seem to like you. I think you'd be perfect."

"You wouldn't have to jump into it straight away." He continues. "We just recently did a comeback so you would have plenty of time to adjust before the next one."

You contemplate the idea for a moment...

Although you didn't feel 100% confident you knew that an opportunity like this would only come once in a lifetime.

"Alright... I'll do it!"

You knew you would never go anywhere with your career if you did not jump at this chance.

Bangchan takes you by suprise, suddenly pulling you into a tight hug.

"I'm so excited! You definitely made the right choice!"


Meanwhile, as the other watch the two of you talk through the glass, Han sits down in the chair, sneakily sliding the headset over his ears.

"You can't just listen to their conversation, that's an invasion of privacy." Felix scolds him, trying to take the headset away but Han holds on tightly.

"Wait! I want to listen too!" Lee know presses his ear against the outside of the headset and Felix just shakes his head.

"Why do you want to know what their saying?" Jeongin asks, suprised.

"If your wondering if their together, their not." Hyunjin chimes in.

"How do you know that?" Han rolls his eyes at him through his peripheral vision.

"I asked because I was going to ask them out until Jeongin dragged them away." Hyunjin glares at Jeongin.

"You shouldn't bother anyway." Seungmin intercepts. "Y/N already likes me."

"What makes you say that?" Changbin tilts his head.

"Well they did approach me first." Seungmin smiles.

"That's just because you can't dance." Minho snaps.

The boys argue back and forth until Felix finally speaks up.

"Wait... so does this mean we all have a crush on Y/N?"

"Apparently..." Seungmin sighs.

"But we can't ALL pursue them." Jeongin scratches his head.

"Why not?" Minho grins. "They can pick who they like best."

"Don't you think Bangchan would be passed if he found out we were all hitting on his friend?" Changbin crosses his arms in disagreement.

"Probably... but he doesn't have to know!" Han laughs.

"Fine then... let the best man win." Hyunjin nods.

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