Part 21

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The morning air was cool and crisp. It creates a small cloud of smoke as your breath leaves your lips.

You both walk side by side, chatting casually as he takes you to a large wooded area not far from the dorm.

"Wow! I didn't know this was here!" You exclaim.

"I come here often when I want to clear my head." He smiles and lays down his bag, kneeling on the ground. "You're the only member I've brought here, so it's our little secret, okay?" 

You kneel down beside him and watch as he pulls the can of fish out of his bag.

As soon as he cracks it open - as if on cue, a cat jumps out of a nearby tree, followed by another two crawling out of the bushes.

He talks to them, feeding them and patting them on their sides as if they were his own.

He looked so happy, you couldn't help but smile as you watched him.

"What's the matter? Are you afraid?" 

You hadn't realised until he spoke that you had been keeping your distance.

"Kind of..." You sigh. "I love them, but they don't love me."

"How could they not love such a loveable person?" He chuckles, patting the ground for you to come closer.

You move over, and he holds out his hand for you. 

You look at him with a hint of confusion and hold out your hand. 

He drops a fish in it... it was warm and slimy, you look down at it with a disgusted expression and he bursts into laughter.

One of the cats approaches you with hesitation. You try to stay as still as possible as the cat eats from your palm.

Minho sits down and rests his arms on his knees, watching as the cats move from him to you. 

"So... are you going to tell me what's on your mind?" He tips his head to look you in the eyes.

You bite your lip, trying to find the right words to say.

"Well, you see... I'm kind of stuck." 

"How so?" 

You run your hand along one of the cats, trying to avoid eye contact as you spoke.

"Honestly... there is somebody that i like." 

"Okay..." There is a suble coldness in his voice that makes you stop for a moment before continuing.

"But somebody else likes me too... and I'm unsure of how to express my feelings for one without hurting the other... does that make sense?" 

"It does..." 

You finally look up at him. He stares down at the ground, drawing something in the soil with his finger.

"I want so badly just to tell you to just give up and forget about them all... but I know that is easier said than done." He mumbles into the sleeve of his jacket, a slight glassiness in his eyes.

"So you should just do whatever makes you happy...regardless of anybody elses feelings." He continues. "Because if they really love you, they'll be happy for you anyway." 

He says that last sentence as if he is also trying to convince himself.

"I suppose you're right..." You nod. "Thank you."

Although you were still unsure of what you were going to do, you felt a lot better getting it off of your chest.

As you feed the cats the rest of the fish, Minho is unusually quiet.

He still stares blankly at the ground, appearing deep in thought.

"Is there something the matter?" You ask. "You can talk to me too, you know." 

"I'm fine..." He exhales. "I was just thinking that I should take my own advice."

"Well, you are very wise." 

"Since when?" He looks up at you in shock, and you both burst into laughter.

You rub your hands together, the tips of your fingers are starting to burn.


You nod, and he stands up.

"Let's head back to the dorm now..." He smiles. "I'll make you a hot cup of coffee as thanks for keeping me company." 

He helps you up off of the ground, and you walk together back to the dorm.

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