Part 12

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You are awoken by the alarm on your cellphone.

You look around the room in a daze, unable to remember how you got there.

You sit up in the bed, realizing that you were still in yesterday's clothes.

You jump up and grab a shower. You pull on some comfy casual clothes since you did not have any plans for the day.

As you finish styling your hair, you hear a soft knock at your room door.

"Who is it?" You call.

"Let me in, and you'll find out!"

You chuckle, immediately recognizing his voice and opening the door.

"Good morning, Y/N!" Jeongin smiles.

"Good morning! What brings you here so early?"

"It's a really nice day today, I wanted to go out and take some photos for Instagram." He grins. "I wanted to ask if you'd be my photographer!"

"Theb what's in it for me? I don't work for nothing." You tease.

"I'll take you out for breakfast! How does that sound?"

As if on que your stomach growls aggressively.

"Sounds like a deal!"

You both laugh as you leave the dorm together.

Jeongin was right, is was a beautiful day. The sunlight felt comforting on your skin.

You skip alongside him as he walks down the sidewalk.

You weren't sure if it was the weather, the fact that you actually had a good night's rest, or the boys' encouragement leacing an impression on your heart... but this was the happiest you've felt in a very long time.

"Youre being so cute today! I hope your this happy everyday." Jeongin watches you, his eyes bright.

His smile is contagious and you can't help but smile just as big.

"But can you slow down? I'm having trouble keeping up!" He jokes.

You playfully stick out your tongue, running ahead.

"Hey! Where do you think your going!?"

He chases you down the street and you both laugh loudly like a couple of children playing a game of tag.

He finally catches up and you feel his hand slightly brush your shoulder.

You turn around to face him, continuing to walk backward.

"I think this would make a good picture!" You jest, pulling out your phone camera.

"No way!" He giggles, covering his face with his hands.

As you back up, looking into the screen of your phone, your heel suddenly his the edge of the sidewalk and you stumble into the street.

He shouts, quickly jumping towards you and wrapping his arms around your waist.

He pulls you into his chest as someone on a motorbike speeds past, barely taking you out.

You look up at him, the joy in his eyes had quickly faded... turning into concern.

"Y/N, you should be watching where you're going..." He sighs. "Please don't scare me like that again."

You nod, you can hear his heart beating rapidly.

"Let's go get out breakfast now... there is a Cafe just around this corner, they make really good coffee."

He removes his hands from your waist,  but as you pull away, he grabs firmly onto your hand.

You blush, staring down at your hand in bewilderment.

"I don't want you to leave my side anymore."

You could tell by the severity in his expression that there was no point in disagreeing.

The both of you walk together, hand in hand, to the Cafe.

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