Part 26

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You sigh, placing your empty glass in the sink.

"I may not be able to help you write, but I know something that may inspire you," Felix grins.

Turning to him, your curiosity piqued, you ask, "What's that?"

"I actually had plans to decorate the dorm today. Do you want to join me?" Felix's eyes sparkle with anticipation.

"Sure, why not?" you agree, half reluctantly. "I could use a little Christmas spirit."

Following Felix, you arrive at a storage room. Watching him rummage through boxes, you decide to lend a hand.

"Here, let me help." You take a stack of boxes, surprised by their weight.

Unnoticed by Felix, your arms shake slightly as you waddle down the hallway. Upon entering the living room, you accidentally knock your elbow on the door frame, bracing for a crash as the boxes begin to tumble from your arms.

Closing your eyes, you await the noise, but nothing happens. Opening your eyes, you see Hyunjin, holding the boxes against his chest.

"You shouldn't take such a lazy load," Hyunjin shakes his head. "Where are these supposed to go?"

"Over by the window, please." You smile in appreciation as Hyunjin places the boxes down, followed by Felix.

"Is that everything?" Felix questions, opening the top of the boxes.

"What are you guys doing anyway?" Hyunjin asks, glancing over Felix's shoulder.

"We're decorating for Christmas," you reply.

"Can I help?" Hyunjin smiles.

"You never help decorate. Are you not feeling well? Should we call somebody?" Felix teases.

"Shut up, I've got nothing better to do," Hyunjin crosses his arms, his cheeks slightly red.

As you all dive into the decorating, the room starts transforming with the festive spirit.

Though initially reserved, you were surprisingly skilled at untangling Christmas lights and placing ornaments with precision.

It hadn't taken long for the day to fly by.

Hyunjin played Christmas music and Felix had prepared some sweet Christmas cookies the day before.

You laughed and worked together until the sun set, the darkness being the perfect atmosphere to appreciate your efforts.

As you place the last ornament, you step back to admire the decorated room...

Until suddenly, you feel an ache in your heart.

You had gotten used to being away from your family for so long, but something about Christmas made the feelings of lonliness bubble to the surface once again.

You hold tightly onto your necklace, letting out a shallow breath.

"Hey, wait!" Felix grabs your attention, noticing the sudden shift in mood. "The star is missing!"

You glance up at the top of the tree, he was right. You hadn't noticed that you had been gripping it tightly in your other hand.

"I... can't reach." You turn toward him, holding the star in his direction.

You are taken by suprise when suddenly you feel hands wrap tightly around your waist.

You turn your head to see Hyunjin smiling, an encouraging look in his eyes.

You gently place the star ontop and Hyunjin lowers you down to the floor, letting go but still keeping a hand delicately around your hip.

Felix stands on the other side of you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and leaning his head slightly onto yours.

As the three of you stare up at your creation, the twinkling lights cast a warm glow, and a genuine sense of joy settles in.

How could you feel sad, when you were surrounded by such warm people?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2023 ⏰

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