Part 17

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He sighs lightly, resting his hands on your cheeks.

"I realise the odds are against me, but can you at least think I'm innocent until proven guilty?"

"I can do that." You nod and watch as the tension leaves his body. "Let's go inside."

He furrows his brows, slightly taken aback.

"I always dreaded my birthday because I spent it alone, without my family... but I feel like I can sort of let go of those painful feelings." You smile. "Since meeting you guys, it's like I've gained a new family."

"That really makes me happy to hear..." He pats you lovingly on the back, his usual cheeky grin coming back. "Let's go have some fun then!"

As you walk back into the room, all of the boys crowd around you.

"There you are, Y/N! It's time for your birthday bumps!"

You are surprised when suddenly Seungmin grabs you by the ankles, and Changbin comes up behind you, wrapping his arms underneath your armpits.

You scream as they toss you into the air. All of the boys laugh, counting up in years until they reach your current age.

"Be careful. Let them down easily." Felix warns.

Seingmin gently lays your feet back onto the floor. You wait for Changbin to let go.

"Can I see you after the party?" He whispers into your ear, and you give a light nod as he releases your underarms.

You were unsure of what Changbin would want to talk about, but you agreed anyhow.

The party continued, and the boys had a large assortment of classic birthday games planned. All of which were extremely childish, but that only made it all the more fun.

"Now it's time for the best part!" Minho walks in with a pinata under one arm and some sticks under the other.

You decide to play rock paper scissors to decide who goes first.

You watch and laugh as the boys wave their sticks around, which ultimately lead to them whacking each other with the sticks on accident (on purpose).

When it comes to your turn, you put on a blindfold and spin yourself around in place.

When they tell you to stop, you cautiously feel around with your stick, not wanting to hurt anybody.

"Y/N, you're going in the wrong direction!" You hear a few of the boys shout.

You try to turn yourself around but quickly run into somebody.

They wrap their hands around your waist, gently guiding you in the right direction.

You feel his warm breath on your ear as he walks with you.

"I'm sorry, Y/N... I didn't mean to make you cry." He whispers under his breath. "My jealousy got the best of me... can you forgive me?"

As he removes his hands, you stand there for a moment in shock but are quickly snapped back onto the moment when one of the boys shouts at you to swing.

You hit the pinata with all of your strength and suddenly hear all of its contents pour out onto the floor.

They all cheer as you remove your blindfold. They start to pick up handfuls of candy off of the floor.

You just stand back and watch, still processing what had happened minutes before.

"These guys are vultures... make sure you get some, Y/N."

You can't help but smile when Bangchan fills your hands with candy.

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