Part 9

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After some deliberation you all decide to go out for barbecue.

As you walk toward the table you feel someone tug gently at your arm.

"Sit here, next to me!" Jeongin smiles.

You smile back, taking a seat beside him.

"So Y/N, have you eaten here before?" He asks.

"No... I'm so busy all of the time I honestly can't remember the last time I've eaten something besides cup noodles and convenience store gimbap."

"Well we ordered a lot of food... so you better eat until you explode!"

He motions with his arms and you giggle at his childlike excitement.

Through the corner of your eye you see Seungmin sit quietly on the other side you you.

You all chat until the food is brought the table.

Bangchan suddenly stands up from his seat.

"Before we eat, I would like to make a toast!"

All of the members look a bit confused, but lift up their glasses anyway.

"To our newest member..." He nods his head at you. "Everyone please welcome Y/N to the group!"

"Wow, seriously!" Felix's jaw falls open. He gets up from his seat, wrapping his arms around your shoulders and hugging you from behind. "I'm so excited! I think. We're going to get on well!"

"Of course!" You smile, holding onto his hands.

"Welcome Y/N..." Changbin speaks up. "I look forward to seeing you often."

"Yes, me too!" You nod.

After everyone gives you a warm welcome you clink your glasses and dig in.

"Here Y/N, let me grill it for you!" Minho cooks some pork belly for you, laying it on your plate along with some vegetables.

"Thank you! It looks delicious!" You pick up the food with your chopsticks and he laughs.

"The best way to eat it is like this..." He picks up a piece of lettuce and fills it for you, making a wrap.

He holds it up for you to take a bite.

"I think Y/N can do some things for themselves... don't you?" Hyunjin makes a snippy remark, shooting him and annoyed glance.

"I'm just trying to be polite." Minho snaps back.

You didn't understand the tension between them, so you just took the wrap from his hand.

You shove the whole thing in your mouth at once, which probably wasn't the smartest decision.

"Hey Y/N! You eat like me!" Jeongin laughs.

Your face turns red as he draws attention to the wad of food in your cheeks.

"Don't do that Y/N! You might choke!" Han pours up a glass of water, passing it to you across the table.

You nod in thanks, unable to speak with your mouth full.

Seungmin tips his head to look at you, then bursts into laughter.

You furrow your brows at him as you continue to struggle to chew your food.

"I'm sorry, you just look so cute... like a hamster." He teases you, poking your cheeks before resting a hand on your back and patting it gently.

As you all continue to eat you chat casually about everything under the sun.

You were never keen on meeting new people, but there was something about these guys that made you feel at ease.

You knew this new experience would be nerve wracking, but you were happy to be able to experience it with them.

Your train of thought was interrupted when you notice Bangchan grinning at you from across the table.

"Ah, I'm so happy!" He claps. "It already feels like you're a part of our family."

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