Part 6

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You sit on the floor, watching then as they dance.

You had heard their music before, but had never actually taken the time to watch them preform... they all looked so cool.

You think about how nice it would be to have people look at you that way, until suddenly you notice something...

Seungmin, who stood in the back, was silently struggling with the choreo.

It wasn't necessarily a hard dance to do, but his movements looked painfully stiff.

You get up off of the floor and approach him quietly, as bot to disturb the other members.

"You look like your having a hard time..." You whisper softly. "Can I give you a little advice?"

Seungmin thinks for a moment before lightly nodding his head.

"Sure, alright."

You use your foot to push his legs apart and take him by the arm, moving it to a less awkward position.

"If you start in this position here the transition between movements will look smoother." You rest your hands on his shoulders, patting them gently. "I also think you should move more with your shoulders, rather than your whole torso... does that make sense?"

You look up at him to confirm that he had understood, but you hadn't realised how close you had been to his face. You quickly take a step backward.

He stares at your face, making you feel awkward.

"I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable, I didn't mean to overstep my boundaries..." You apologize.

"It's okay." He smirks. "I don't mind."

You feel your ears turning red as he smiles.

"What are you doing?"

Lee know suddenly calls loudly behind you and everyone stops dancing.

The room falls silent and the attention falls on you. You could cut the tension with a knife.

"Ah- the choreo..." You were flustered and struggle to form a sentence.

"What about it? Do you have a problem with it?" Minho tilts his head, a coldness in his eyes.

"No! Not at all!" You shake your head. "I was just trying to help."

"What do you think needs to be changed?" His voice was sharp, it made your heart race.

Although you were anxious you try to explain what you had told Seungmin to do.

"... but I know I'm only a trainee, it's not really my place to give advice " You sigh.

He looks up for a moment, contemplating what you had said.

"Actualy, I think you right..." He nods. "You have a good eye."

"The fact that you are only a trainee makes you more impressive." He grins. "I have to keep my eye on you."

He laughs and the tension leaves your body.

"I think we all should take Y/Ns advice, it will look a lot better."

As you sit down again he continues to praise you and your heart can't help but flutter.

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