Part 22

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When you arrive back at the dorm, somebody is already in the kitchen...

Seungmin digs through the refrigerator.

It wasn't an odd sight. You had noticed in your time here that Seungmin was usually always the first to wake up.

"Good morning!" You smile and take a seat at the counter as Minho starts to prepare coffee for the both of you.

"Good morning!" Seungmin turns his head to smile at you as he sprinkles something into a pan.

"What are you making! It smells so good!" You take a large inhale, and your stomach growls. You had forgotten you hadn't had breakfast yet.

"It's an omlette! Would you like one?"

"Yes, please! If it's not too much trouble." 

"Of course not! Here, have this one. I'll start another for myself." He slides the omlette onto a plate and lays it gently in front of you.

"It looks delicious! Thank you!" 

You rub your hands together, not only because you were excited to eat but also because they were still slightly cold.

Seungmin nods his head, a soft happiness in his eyes.


The both of you were taken off guard when suddenly Minho slams the glass mug against the counter in front of you, drawing your attention away from each other.

You take the warm mug, wrapping your hands around it.

Seungmin steps away, cracking some more eggs into the pan.

Minho sits beside you at the counter, sipping his coffee.

"So... where did you guys go?" Seungmin asks, not bothering to look in your direction.

Minho gives you an odd look, and you remember how he had wanted to keep the location a secret.

"It was nowhere in particular. We just went for a walk." 

"Ah, I see..." Seungmin nods. "Do you have any plans for the day?" 

You think for a moment, shoving a large mouthful of omlette into your mouth.

"No, not really..." Your voice is mumbled as you speak with your mouth full.

Seungmin laughs and turns around, leaning on the counter in front of you.

"You're eating like a hamster again!" He laughs, poking your full cheeks. "Cute, cute, cute!"

"Hey, stop that!" You move away and quickly swallow your food, slightly embarrassed.

"I ask because I was wondering if you'd like to spend the evening with me..." He smiles. "There's something I'd like to show you." 

"I'd love to." 

"Let's say... 7PM?"

You nod in agreement, and his face instantly lights up.

You hear the stood beside you move across the floor and you turn your head.

Minho gives you an annoyed glance before quietly laying his mug in the sink and leaving the kitchen.

You are confused and look to Seungmin to see if he had the same reaction, but his face still glows. He hadn't noticed the small interaction.

You finish off your breakfast and go about your day, wondering what Seungmin had to show you tonight. 

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