Part 10

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You sit on the floor of your dorm, packing all of your things.

Since you were now officially a part of Stray Kids, they had prepared a room for you in their dorm.

Fortunately, you didn't have many belongings, so you were able to fit most of it into a few suitcases.

As you fold your last shirt into your suitcase you are startled by the sound of the door slamming shut.

"What the fuck Y/N!" Your (now ex) dormmate shouts in your face.

"I've been a trainee at this company for 8 fucking years and suddenly you get a free pass!?" She continues to shout, not stopping to take a breath. "If it weren't for me driving you out if bed every morning you wouldn't have gone to HALF of those practices!"

"ITS NOT FAIR!" She grabs one of your suitcases, dumping your belongings onto the floor and tossing it across the room.

"Calm down Deun..." You try to remain as unohased as possible.


She grabs another one of your suitcases, and as she dumps out its contents a small jewelry box hits the floor.

"Hm... what's this?" She opens the box to reveal a necklace with your name on it.

It was given to you by your parents before you had left your home country to move to Korea. You hadn't spoken to them since you had become a trainee.

It was your most prized possession, you always kept it in its box so that you would not lose it while practicing.

You extend your hand, asking for it back.

"From the look on your face I can tell this is important to you..." She smirks. "It would suck if something happened to it."

She takes it out of the box, holding it up in the air.

"Please, don't!" You get on your knees, pleading with her.

"Go fetch."

With a flick of her wrist she tosses the necklace out the window. You scream in horror.

You drop everything and run outside to retrieve it.

You frantically search the pavement outside of your dorm building, with no luck.

Your chest tightens as your anxiety increases.

"Maybe it landed in the fountain?"

You knew that it was very unlikely, but you were so overcome with desperation that you needed to search anyway.

You crawl on your hands and knees in the murkey fountain water, feeling around for anything that could possibly resemble a necklace.

The longer you search the more tears began to form in your eyes.

You cup your face in your wet hands, swallowing the lump in your throat.

You cannot hold it any longer and burst into tears.

You sit in the fountain, feeling hopeless.

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