Part 7

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"I feel kind of useless just sitting here..." You sigh. 

You notice the boys look tired and decide to go get them some drinks. 

"I don't know what they like... I guess water would be my best bet." You speak to yourself as you stare into the vending machine. 

You fill your arms with bottles and head back toward the practice room.

When you get back to the practice room it is completely empty, besides one person.

Hyunjin quietly packs his things into his gym bag.

"There you are Y/N, everyone was wondering where you went." He smiles up at you. "They all went ahead to the recording studio, let's go."

He tosses his bag over his shoulder and takes some of the bottles from your arms.

As you walk down the hallway together, you talk.

"So... what's the reason you are here?" Hyunjin asks, a slight slyness in his eyes. 

"What do you mean?"

"Bangchan never brings anybody to watch us practice, so I just figured there was a reason." He shrugs.

It had seemed like Chan hadn't mentioned his idea to the other members, so you figured you shouldn't either.

"I just asked if I could watch, thats all..." You shake it off. 

He looks at you skeptically, you were a terrible liar.

"Are you two seeing each other or something?" He asks bluntly.

You shake your head and he seems pleased with your answer.

"That means I have a chance then?"

You are taken aback by his sudden forwardness.

"You shouldn't say things like that so casually." 

"Why not? Do you think I'm joking?" He shoots you a confident grin.

Before you had a chance to completely process what he had said you hear somebody call you name down the hallway.

"There you are! I've been waiting for you!" Jeongin waves.

"For me? Why?" 

"Bangchan said you're a really good singer... I want you to listen to me sing!" He grabs you by the arm, causing you to drop all of your water bottles and excitedly drags you to the recording studio.

You look over your shoulder, Hyunjin looks miffed as he picks the bottles up off of the floor.

When you get to the studio you sit behind the glass, listening to them sing the song that had been playing as they danced earlier.

"This must be a new song they plan on releasing." You think to yourself. 

You feel honored that you are able to see and hear this preformance before anybody else.

"I'm finished my part!" Jeongin grins before sitting beside you. "Did you like it?" 

"You were amazing!" You clap your hands together and he looks down shyly.

"You really think so?"

"Of course! I could probably listen to you all day." 

"What's your favorite song?"

You pause for a moment, giving a thoughtful answer.

"I haven't heard that one before..." He smiles again, giving you a good look at his perfect teeth. "But I will learn it and sing it for you, okay?"

"I will definitely hold you to that." 

You smile when you see his eyes sparkle with eagerness. 

The both of you listen to the others sing, stopping to talk in between.

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