Part 19

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After leaving Changbin's room, you immediately make your way to Hyunjins room, knocking on the door.

"Give me a minute." You hear him shout through the door, followed by some odd clattering sounds.

As you wait, you think about the situation...
You weren't necessarily angry at Hyunjin because your feelings about the party were a lot better than you had anticipated... but you were curious to know why he would do it in the first place.

If there were any ill feelings between you two, you wanted to squash it as soon as possible, since you would be living and working with each other for a long time.

The door unlocks, and you watch as it slowly opens.

"Y/N... what are you doing here?"

"I just want to talk to you for a moment... I won't take much of your time."

He hesitantly steps aside, motioning for you to enter.

His room was very warm and cozy. There was a soft song playing quietly in the background.

He sits on his bed, and you seat yourself in his desk chair. You were still unsure of his feelings about you, so you were not as comfortable as you were with changbin and kept some distance between you.

"I would ask what this is about, but I'm pretty sure I know." He sighs, furrowing his brows as if bracing himself for a hard blow.

"I'm not mad at you, I'm just worried... that's all."

"About what?" His anxiousness quickly turns to concern.

"I'm worried that you don't like me... if I'm going to be a part of this group, I want to get along with everybody."

"I'm really sorry I made you feel that way... it wasn't my intention." He bites his lip. "Because that's not how I feel... not in the slightest..."

He moves to the edge of the bed, leaning slightly toward you and looking into your eyes.

"My problem is that I like you a little too much..."

You are taken off guard by his sudden confession.

"I've had my eye on you from the start... and seeing how well you get along with the others really bugs me." He shakes his head. "The way Lee Know was all over you at the group barbecue... and how Jeongin has been bragging about the day you spent together- he even set the photo you took together as his phone wallpaper."

"I had trouble sleeping the other night because it was playing on my mind, which is when I heard you leave the dorm early in the morning." He continues. "I followed you because I thought it was a good opportunity to spend some time alone with you, but Han already beat me to the punch."

He sighs, looking down with an air of shame.

"It really pissed me off, so I acted on impulse..." He looks back up at you, his expression sincere. "It was wrong of me to try and sabotage your guys relationship like that... I understand if you cannot forgive me."

"I forgive you."

His eyes widen at your lack of hesitation.

"I know you're a good guy, and like I said, I want to get along with everybody." You smile. "So I'm willing to sweep this under the rug If you can promise me it won't happen again."

"I promise!" His eyes sparkle with excitement. You could tell a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders.

"But I have one question..."

"Ask me anything!" He nods.

"You said you wanted to be alone with me the other day... was there something you needed to say?"

"I've basically just said everything I wanted to say to you..."

You are taken by suprise as he suddenly leans toward you, laying an arm on either side of you in the desk chair.

"But there is something I'd like to do..."

Before you are able to react, his lips crash against yours.

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