Part 18

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To your surprise, you were actually sad that the party was over.

You hadn't had that much mindless fun since you were a child.

After everything was said and done and all of the mess had been cleaned up, the boys went their separate ways.

You were about to do so as well until you remembered you promised to see changbin after the party.

You do a quick walk around the dorm, and you are unable to find him, so you go to his room and knock on the door.

"Come in, It's open!" He sits through the door.

When you enter you try not to be nosy, but you can't help but be a bit curious as you glance around the room.

"You're probably wondering why I asked you here." He grins. "It's nothing weird, I promise."

He is sitting on the bed, and he pats the blanket, signaling for you to join him.

You sit beside him, and he looks down shyly, fiddling with his thumbs.

"I actually have something I want to give you, and I thought today would be a good time."

He slides open his beside drawer, pulling out a small wrapped box.

He hands you the box, and you turn it over in your hands, examining it.

It was not wrapped particularly well, but you could tell he had tried to make it look pretty.

"Thank you." You smile, gently tearing the paper away.

You take the lid off of the box, and your heart suddenly skips a beat.

"What- how!?"

Inside was the necklace you thought you had lost forever.

"When you were moving out of your dorm, I went to help you move your things... I saw it fall from your window and hit the ground, so I picked it up."

You take it out of the box and hold it up to the light, still unable to believe it.

"I would have given it back sooner, but I noticed some of the stones were missing, so I got them replaced."

"Changbin, I don't know what to say..." You were at a loss for words but wanted so badly to show your gratitude.

You pull him into a sudden hug, and he is shocked at first, but quickly relaxes and wraps his arms around you in a warm embrace.

For a moment, it felt like time had stopped. You almost wanted to stay here forever.

"I want to wear it and never take it off... I don't want to lose it again."

He nods, taking the necklace out of your hands.

You rest your head on his chest as he does up the clasp at the back of your neck.

"Let me see."

You lean back, and he adjusts the pendant.

You lay your hands on it. You finally felt whole again, like a piece of you was no longer missing.

"Thank you so much..." You smile. "I could not imagine a better gift."

"Don't mention it..." He scratches his head, his cheeks turning a soft pink.

"Thanks to you guys, Today has been the best birthday I've had in a long time."

As you recall the events of the day changbin gives you a concerned look.

"Is there something on your mind?" He asks.

"I have an odd question, but can you answer it honestly?"

"Of course, what is it?" He nods.

"When it was my turn to hit the pinata, who helped me find it?"

"That is an odd question..." He blinks. "Is there a reason you need to know?"

"Not really... I'm just curious."

He bites his lip, thinking hard for a moment.

"It was Hyunjin."

You quickly jump up from the bed, giving changbin one last thank you before rushing out of the room.

Changbin furrows his brows as he watches you leave, wondering what was so important.

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