Part 3

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You dab your face with a towel and take a sip of your water.

The dance practice had felt more intense then usual today.

"Hey Y/N! Can you help me stretch?" You feel Daeun tap you on the back as you double over and rest your hands on your thighs.

"I feel like I'm going to croak. Why don't you take a break like the rest of us?" You groan.

"Because I'm trying to show off here." She whispers.

"What? Why?"

"You seriously haven't noticed?" She sighs and you follow her gaze.

Bangchan lays against the wall. You make eye contact and he waves, a cheeky smile on his face.

You knew he had looked familiar that night, but you hadn't recognized his bare face in the darkness.

"What is he doing here?" You think aloud.

You wonder until suddenly he approaches you.

"Hey Y/N! You're doing awesome!"

"T-thank you." You bow lightly and he chuckles at your formality.

"Once you clean up do you mind if we have a talk?"

"Not at all!" You were sort of taken aback, but were curious to hear what he had to say.

"Great! Meet me at the usual spot." He jokes before leaving the room.

You glance over at Daeun, he jaw was agape.

"I don't know what your relationship with him is..." She winks. "But put in a good word for me, would you?"

You roll your eyes lightly, heading toward the shower room.

After getting your shower and changing out of your sweaty clothing you head tot he steps outside of the building.

It was not as late as the last time, but the sun had already started to set. It gave you a sense of dejavu.

Bangchan had already been sitting on the step. When he sees you coming he pats the concrete beside him.

"So... what's up?" You speak sheepishly, slightly worried as you take your seat.

He lays a hand in your arm, almost instantly calming your nerves.

"Ever since the night we spoke I haven't stopped thinking about you..." 

"I'm sorry- it sounds weird when I say it like that!" Chan laughs, catching himself. "But you've been on my mind, I've been worried, so I kept a bit of an eye on you... to see if you've been feeling any better."

"But I hadn't expected you to be so talented, you've honestly blown my mind... I think you have so much wasted potential."

You look down, his sudden flattery causes your cheeks to flush.

"Which is why I wanted to make a proposal..." He continues. "Between us, since Stray Kids had lost our 9th member I've been looking for a replacement... but nobody really stood out to me until now."

"So what do you say?"

Your chest felt tight as if your heart were going to explode. You stutter for a moment, trying to find the right words to say.

"I really appreciate the offer, but I can't. I'm an absolute wreck, I'd just drag you guys down." You sigh. "There are people here much more deserving than I am."

"If that's how I felt I wouldn't be speaking to you right now." Chan gives your arm a reassuring squeeze. "Not only are you a super talented singer and dancer, but I think you would really mesh well with the other members."

"I think your problem is that you don't believe in yourself... but I believe in you. I honestly think you have what it takes."

You bite your lip, still feeling uneasy about the decision.

"How about this..." He senses your unease. "Why don't you come meet the other members, maybe spend the day with us to see our routine and then make up your mind... okay?"

"Alright." When he looks at you with such kind eyes, you cannot help but do as he says.

"Perfect! Meet us in our practice room tomorrow morning. Don't worry about your training, I'll have you excused." He smiles from ear to ear, saying his goodbyes and making his way back into the building.

The whole idea had made you extremely anxious, but you knew if you didn't atheist try to push yourself you would not go anywhere with your career.

You had to choose between taking a risk or being stuck in this depressing trainee loop for the rest of your life.

You head back to your dorm, mentally preparing yourself for the day to come.

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