Part 20

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It was the next morning. You were surprised by the lack of sleep you had gotten last night, but your mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions.

It was not yet daylight, but your back ached, and you could not lay down any longer.

You got up and made yourself a bowl of cereal, standing up to the counter to eat it. As you ate, you thought about the events of the day before...


"Stop!" You push him away, and he looks at you with an expression of shock. 

"What's the matter, Y/N? Do you not like me?" Hyunjin pouts. 

"No, no... it's not that." 

"Then what?" 

As you kissed, you had remembered the feeling of Hans lips on your and a wave of guilt washed over you... but you could not tell him that.

"It's somebody else, isn't it?" He looks down at the floor.

You wanted to speak, but the words did not come out... you didn't know what to say.

You suddenly stand up and make your way to the door, you could not look into his eyes any longer.

"Just so you know..." As you open the door, you hear Hyunjin continue to speak behind you. "Even if you don't like me back, my feelings for you won't change."

His words cut into your heart like a knife as you shut the door. 


That was why you could not sleep.

You felt guilty for the way you had treated Hyunjin. But you could not help but think about Hans confession earlier that day...

They had both made it clear how they felt about you, but your feelings for them were conflicted.

How in the world could you accept one without hurting the other...

And then there was Changbin...

You grab a hold of the pendant around your neck, examining the shiny new jewels in it once again.

"Nobody has ever done such a thoughtful thing for me before... it conflicts with my feelings even more." You think to yourself.

Yesterday was just a huge roller coaster of emotions, and you were still suffering the side effects.

You look down at your now soggy bowl of cereal and sigh.


You hear someone say your name softly, and you turn around to see who it was.

"What are you doing up so early?" Minho asks.

"I couldn't sleep... what about you?" 

"Same, actually." 

You give him an odd look as he reaches past you into the cupboard, grabbing a can of fish.

"It's not for me." He laughs at your puzzled expression. "While on a walk yesterday, I came across a couple of stray cats, so I decided I'm going to bring them a treat."

"I can see there is something playing on your mind..." He continues. "You can join me if you'd like." 

You desperately need a distraction, a morning walk may help you to clear your mind. 

You accept Lee Knows offer, and you both get dressed in something warm, heading out into the cool morning air. 

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