And the race begins (3)

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[A/N I have decided this book is gonna be on dual pov for the entire book unless specified cuz some scenes might be hard to write in a pov and in that case, I'll let y'all know]

 ARU SHAH had decided that her partner wasn't as bad as she thought.

So she wasn't going to be difficult with him, but she'd just be with her normal personality.

Which in itself was difficult.

But that's his problem.

She now had an hour to a flight to New Jersey, and she waited near the base for the private plane. Yeah, being rich was amazing.

 Aru did a lot of research on the state, the nearing states and the city they were staying in, particularly because:

1) Aru had no idea about anything inside New Jersey.

2) If people find out you're not from there, they'll use it as an advantage.

3) If she was gonna stay there for a while, she should probably know the state well.

"Um, Miss? What should I call you?" Her partner asked. 

"Detective Foudre anywhere in the agency, anywhere outside call me a random name, and when  no one else is there, Miss. Shah is fine" She replied absentmindedly.

"Okay. Same here, Detective Acharya inside the agency, outside fake name and Aiden alone. Okay?"

"Noted. The plane came"

They got on the plane and spoke nothing to each other. Aru looked at her phone here and there, either to message her friends or to keep in contact with the agency. 

"The plane's landing soon" Aru said and she observed Aiden getting up. 'This is gonna be funny'

The plane landed and Aru watched in great amusement as Aiden almost fell to the bumpiness while she just leaned on the wall coolly.

"You're a detective with no sense of balance, huh? I can't believe I'm paired up with a clutz"

See? Difficult.

"I fell once and you're calling me a clutz? I bet you can't even keep your priorities straight"

"Don't get too cocky. When you inevitably die, I bet it would be because you fell off a cliff"

"Yeah. Probably because you pushed me"

"I really don't care that much" Aru pushed herself off the wall. "Plus I need you alive for this mission, and that's it. After the mission, you and I don't have to have anything to do with each other anymore, so no. It would not be because I pushed you"

The plane came to a halt and Aru put on her sunglasses and mask. She put on a baseball hat, pulled her suitcase behind her and entered the state of New Jersey.

She heard Aiden scrambling after her, but she kept walking. Her designated driver pulled up on the road, told her the password and she got in the car. Her name was Julia, and she was super nice. 

She was 26 and was one of Aru's best friends. As Aiden walked by, Julia looked super confused, which was understandable, considering Aru worked alone.

"This is all against my will, by the way. So don't even ask" Aru huffed, turning to Julia.

"Fine fine. Wanna go to the back seat to talk with your partner?" Julia asked.

"Nope. Start the car, we're going to Newcity Hotel and Suites." Aru replied, putting the location on the gps.

"Alrighty then"

The car drove off, and it wasn't a long drive. Aru and Julia chatted and Aru was 99.9% sure that Aiden was getting irritated and she was super happy about that.

"Okay. Bye Jules! Say hi to Kyle for me!"

"Okay, sure"

Aru got out of the car and opened the back where her luggage was kept. She pulled out the suitcases and reluctantly pulled out her partner's as well. She knocked on his window.

He startled and got his things, and they walked inside without a word spoken.

"Yes, Ms. Seychille? You have two rooms booked, yes?" The woman asked, using the fake name her company made for her.

The woman in the counter kept staring at her partner, and Aru felt personally offended and attacked because:

a) The woman was talking to her, so basic courtesy to look at her!

b) She didn't think she was that ugly. Was she?

"Ahem, yes, bill and keycards please. We're short on time" She tapped the desk impatiently.

"Uhh yes, here"

As they finished checking in and loading their stuff into the rooms, Aru sighed, taking out her laptop. 

'And here starts the race against time'

A/N so okay. These chapters might take some time to get out, but my other one shots book will be updating frequently. Just letting y'all know

-Loife xx

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