A broken family and a love unfixed (25)

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ARU GRITTED her teeth. This was proving to be the most infuriatingly painful case in the history of existence, and nothing would change that. Except maybe the future.

She looked at her surroundings. This is humiliating, being locked in a hospital of all things. Especially the enemy's lair.

She tugged at the rope that was tying her hands together. No, not a rope. She mentally noted. A metal binding.

The Sleeper regarded her mildly. "Stop struggling."

Over the course of a couple hours, Aru decided she hated this dude. How dare he lock her up? That too...he wasn't threatening her or anything. Just sitting in front of her bars. Every now and then he looked at her...affectionately, and Aru got the distinct feeling of a parental figure, which was stupid.

"Let me go."

"No," He sighed. "But soon, you'll be free, don't worry. Now...it's time for introductions."

"You're The Sleeper and I'm a poor girl trying to escape you," Aru deadpanned. "Can I go now?"

"No, my Arundhati." Aru grew completely still, all other thoughts going out from her head. She swallowed, and said, "What?"

"You don't have a father, do you?"

Aru snorted mentally. "How is this the time to make a fatherless joke?"

"I'm not joking," He replied. "I'm very serious. How long has it been since you've seen your father?"

Sixteen years. "None of your business."

"Sixteen years, am I correct?"

Okay, who was this guy? "Who are you?"

"My dear Arundhati," He smiled. "I am your father."

She blinked once. Twice. Then she said, "Okay, that was the worst imitation of Darth Vader. Now seriously. Who the hell are you?"

He frowned. "I'm not quoting Darth Vader on this! And now you completely ruined the dramatic-ness of that sentence. I'm actually your father. Krithika Shah's husband."

He held up his hand where his ring glimmered. Aru scowled. "Yet you could be married to anyone."

The Sleeper scoffed. "That anyone is your mother. I guess she forgot about me if she failed to tell you. I am Suyodhana Shah, your father."

It was true, her dad's name was Suyodhana Shah and Aru wanted to smack herself for the hope blooming in her. Anyone could have done a background check on her.


A girl stepped in. "It's ready."

Aru rolled her eyes. "See! That's your daughter. And you are a huge liar."

Suyodhana crossed his arms. "From what I've heard, that's you, not me. Solis, say hello to your sister."

The girl—Solis—smiled and waved. "Dad's been talking all about you. I'm Kara. Nice to meet you?"

Now it was Aru's turn to scoff. "Okay, this is all ridiculous. Can I leave now?"

The Sleeper rubbed his temples. "Not yet. How many times do I have to tell you?"

Just then, Aru felt exhaustion seep in. As her vision grew blurry, she saw Suyodhana's confused face and heard him say, "What's wrong with her?"

But before a reply came through, the world turned sideways and darkness welcomed her.


She woke up on a hospital bed. She heard beeping. There were tubes stuck to her head and a ventilating mask covered her eyes. She saw a girl's frightened face overhead.

Kara. Or Solis? She couldn't remember.

Aru gave a muffled scream but Kara wasn't trying to hurt her. She was...crying. And four words were spoken.

"I'm sorry, my sister."

Then, light flashed behind her eyes and the darkness swallowed her up again.



Aru finished writing. "Done," she muttered to herself. She'd just finished writing down her memories and she was pretty pleased with herself. Now she could show Aiden. And he might actually be proud of her.

Then Aru realised that was stupid. He'd probably be excited the case was finally finishing. And the fact he wouldn't have to see her anymore. Most people would be excited about that.

But then...he seemed like he cared. So wouldn't that...?

Aru shook herself. It hadn't even occurred to her that she should be excited the case was almost over. But a hollow hole opened in her stomach and her heart fell through.

You won't see him again.

With all that had been happening, Aru hadn't really concluded her...feelings for Aiden yet. And it seemed silly, since she was an adult and a detective, a famous one at that, and it was a bit dumb that the Sherlock Holmes of the Era had a (god forbid)...crush.

But she pushed that out of her head and stood up, gathering the sheets and putting them in a file. This case was finally showing a turning point. And that made her feel so much better.

hope that clears things up <333 heheheheh

so that's what happened before...and yall let me know if there's questions. I don't think I portrayed it perfectly so I'm happy to answer any questions you may have!

how was the chapter? the next chapter is the chapter that has the scene that originally inspired this idea 😭😭😭 IM SUPER DUPER EXCITED!!

-Loife xx

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