The bait can never be swallowed (4)

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AIDEN SAW Shah sigh and take out her laptop and he walked to her.

"The council said that you know about the 'sleeper'. Do you mind filling me in?" He asked as politely as he could.

"I guess" She made room on the couch. "Start noting it down. First off, he's part of a gang called The Shadow, which is super cringy. But anyway, he was suspected before to have been trying to steal the Syamantaka Gem, hope you know what that is cause I'm not gonna explain-"

"Wait, how don't I know about this?"

"If you weren't part of the agency two years ago, that's probably why. This case was never released to public"

"It wasn't?" Aiden furrowed his eyebrows.

"You really have no idea how this works, do you? Dangerous cases are never released to the public. If anything, the city goes under lockdown. This case isn't gonna be released either. There's no point in scaring the public about this"

"But they need to know! They need to be careful"

"If it is dangerous to them, we warn. But this isn't what the criminal specializes in"

"You seem to know a lot about the criminal"

"I wish I did. I even entered their base apparently"

"That's huge! And what do you mean apparently?"

"My memory got erased"

Silence. More silence.

"Yeah, that sounds a bit surreal, doesn't it?" Aru finally spoke. "I swear I'm not lying to you. If I knew whatever I saw in there, we wouldn't be having to deal with all of this"

"I guess...but this is hard to believe"

"Then don't. What do I care? You asked, I answered"

"Okay, I guess I believe you"

"I guess, he says" Aru scoffed. "Whatever, believe it or not, we're in this situation now. There's no way to change it. First of all, he's fond of the night for some reason, so our best bet is to wait for night time. Also, all we know is that he apparently stayed at this hotel, so the staff could be good to interrogate"

"Okay. We should interrogate in the day then, if we wanna keep check of the night"

"Yeah. We can go ask head staff. But we won't, because we can't trust anyone here. Absolutely no one. So we are gonna play bait and then interrogate the fish" Aru got up and paced around the room. "Pretty sure he'd recognize me. I'm the bait, you're the fisherman. And as the fish get's closer..."

"We reel it in" Aiden got up, thinking hard. "But if the fish bites off the bait instead?"

"Acharya" Aru stopped and looked him dead in the eyes. "The bait can be bitten. But never swallowed"


Aiden watched as Aru looked amazingly carefree. Although it was an act, if he were passing by, he'd believe it.

He shuffled around in the bushes to get a better look.

She had AirPods in, except they weren't AirPods but a one-way communication device created by somebody called Sheela, who was the tech department's captain.

"Do you hear me?"

In the distance, Aru nodded her head.

"Okay. It's 9 PM right now, is that when he usually comes out?" He asked, then sighed as she shrugged her shoulders.

The hotel staff came outside and peaked at the bustling street. Aiden wondered if he could see Aru, so he asked her to move over.

As she moved, he saw the hotel staff guy follow her and then he knew it was the right call not to interrogate the hotel staff.

"It was a good idea to play bait. I see one of the hotel staff following you" Aiden watched her coolly turn around, see the hotel dude, and start walking toward Aiden. The hotel guy followed, of course, and then when they reached the bushes, Aru roundhouse kicked the person on the head and they promptly passed out.

"Great job. I almost sweated seeing you there" Aiden kneeled to inspect the body.

"He'll live. I didn't kick that hard, I knew we would need him for the interrogation" Aru tilted her head toward their New Jersey headquarters direction. "Let's get to it. I have someone who'll pick him up, we need to watch him till then"

'Wow. That's one day and we already have a suspect' Aiden looked at his watch.

They were already in the lead. 

I kinda like how this chap turned out. Let me know ——>

-Loife xx

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