Correcting a wrong with a right (27)

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ARU NEVER thought she'd look at this place ever again, but here she was.

"You won't believe me," Kara had said, sitting across from her on the interrogation table.

"I'll be the judge of that," Aru had replied, spinning a dagger between her fingers. It was a cool trick, she had thought, and it certainly did its job as Kara eyed it suspiciously.

"Fine. I'll tell you what I know."

She pulled her mask up higher. She was ready for this. Aiden entered the hospital first, pulling her alongside him.

"Stop dawdling. We have to get this done as soon as possible," He said. That snapped her back to attention. Aru looked away from the hospital that she now recognised.

"Sorry," She apologised. "It's memories are back."

Aiden rolled his eyes, but he smiled. "It feels nice, doesn't it?"

"You sound like you know a thing or two about losing your memories."

"That's why I take photos. I never do lose them."

They entered the familiar poison filled room. Aru replayed Kara's words in her mind.

"I'm going to be honest with you. We monitored everything in that hospital. You were in the right place and if you looked a bit more, you would've solved the case already."

Aru snorted at that. "I'm sorry. I was too busy getting poisoned-"

Kara smirked. "Or. You were too busy hauling up your poisoned partner because you cared about him."

Aru rubbed her temples. "If this is what having a sister is like, I don't need one."

"I'll get to the point," Kara said helpfully. "The third cabinet on the left side. Far left, the one against the wall? Open that, second shelf down. There'll be a lot of files, but Dad colored yours differently. It should be a dark gold folder in a bunch of beige files."

'Dad coloured yours differently' Aru replayed again and again. Was it possible he cared?

Entering the room, Aru took out her gun and handed it to Aiden. "You keep watch. I'll look."

He nodded, taking her gun and taking his out. "Do I look cool with two guns?"

Aru smiled despite herself. But it quickly turned into a frown as she turned her back to him. Third cabinet. Aru found it, opened it, checked the second shelf, and sure enough, there it was.

She was about to yell in triumph but Aiden spoke first. "Shah?"

Aru whirled around.

"There's a chance," Kara leaned back in her seat. "A chance Dad'll be there."

Aru had swallowed. "How big of a chance?"

Kara looked at her apologetically. "I don't know. I'm sorry. Maybe 50%? But a good 50% chance. And be careful. He won't hurt you, but he'll hurt everyone else."

And there he was. The Sleeper smiled a slow, gentle smile as if he was genuinely relieved he got to see her.

Aru breathed deeply, which was hard with her mask.



"Can you tell me two things? Then we're done here."

"Of course, Aru. You can ask me anything," Kara looked down. "It's what I owe you, after what I did."

"Aiden, give it back."

She didn't have to specify what it was because he handed back Vajra.

"Who sent me those letters?"

"Lim Ju-rie," Kara replied. "Or you know her as Julia."

Aru silently thanked Julia in present time.

"And also, who was the guy who ambushed Aiden at the party?"

"Chen Kai-le. You know him, Kyle. Julia's fiancé. He went as Johannes," Kara replied.

Aru sucked in a breath.

"Why was he going to brainwash me?"

Kara looked startled. Then, she said, "I thought you knew."

"Well. I don't."

Kara exhaled, then flexed her fingers. "He wanted you on his side and for us to be family again."


"He cared about you. A lot. A lot lot. He wanted to see you because it's been so long. But he knew there was no way to convince you."

The Sleeper spoke, in a deep rich voice. He stared at her in her eyes, and Aru found herself staring into his. One brown. One blue. "Please. No need for that. I'm here for peace."

"He loves you, Aru. He's your father. But no matter what he does," Kara had stared her down. "Do not give in. The Syamantaka Gem. It has a light power that holds memories. Take it, and detain him. Stop all of this."

Aru stared at her in shock. "You...want him to get caught?"

"After everything I've done wrong..."Kara spoke, looking at her hands. "I want to at least do this right."

"You have three minutes to speak," Aru said, aiming her gun. "Then we're done here."

Aiden stood directly next to her, aiming his gun too. He glanced at her quickly and Aru saw the message there.

I've got you, Shah.

The Sleeper regarded them mildly, reminding Aru of how she was locked in the cell three years ago. "Fine with me. Start the timer then."


so how was the whole thing where it kept cutting to the interrogation? I think I did good with that but let me know what you guys think hehe

-Loife xx

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