There's no choice (5)

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ARU PUSHED their prisoner into the interrogation room. They fell in hump onto the floor and groaned at the pain.

"Shut up. You're not allowed to make noise until we say so. Anything you say can and will be used against you." Aru clicked her pen and took out a notepad.

"Girl, it's not even falling that I'm in pain about. It's the fact you kicked me and my head hurts and that when you pushed me your many rings poked my back"

"Detective Acharya, remind me. Did either of us tell him he could talk?" Aru walked toward the prisoner.

Aiden looked startled a little, but regained composure fast. "No. Absolutely not."

She slapped her hand that was full of rings on the person's back as they screamed in pain. Aiden pulled them up, sat them on a chair and kept the hands behind it. He locked the handcuffs and sat on a chair opposite. Aru sat as well, clicking her pen.

"Let's start with this. What's your name?" Aiden asked in a hard voice. 'Interrogation is definitely his strength' Aru thought to herself as she stared at the prisoner's face.

"Chris" They said, eyes wandering a bit.

"Wrong, try again" Aru wrote down a tally in the lie count. She got up and walked toward him, brandishing her ring hand. The person looked at her with fear and then admitted.


She checked his face. "Repeat"

"Kristen" they repeated. Fear was on their face but they were not lying.

Aru sat back down. "It's the truth. Continue the interrogation"





Aru jotted down Kristen, Male, 34.

"Now. Do you work for the Sleeper?"

"Yes, but he hardly knows me. I know nothing"

Aru searched his face. "Truth again. Continue"

"Do you know anyone who he trusts?"

"Yes. A girl called Solis"

"Her name's Solis?" Aiden asked.

"Yes. Well, I mean no. No one knows"

"Do you know her personally?"


Aru searched his face. She wrote a tally in the lie count. "You lie"

This time, Aru took out a gun. "One more lie and this goes to your head"

"I do, I do! But she's my commander that's all. No personal connection."

Aiden looked to her for confirmation. She searched the face thoroughly and then just nodded.

"Where is the base?"

"I don't know"

Aru put another tally on the lie counter and picked up her gun. Kristen looked at it in fear as Aru walked over and held him at gunpoint.

"Take my notepad and pen, note down the address" Aru instructed him. He did just that as Kristen stuttered out the address in fear.

Aiden shook his head. "I cannot understand that"

Aru dug the gun deeper into his head. "You have your phone with you?"

"Y-y-yes. It has the address in notes, there's a fake one and a real one wh-where it's l-l-labled"

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