Well, this just got darker (10)

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ARUNDHATI SHAH wanted to say something at that moment. She really did. But she didn't want to sound disbelieving, since it would put him down again. She grabbed ahold of herself and spoke, "Woah, woah. Let's back up. So you're saying Solis is related to the Sleeper by blood and I know her? And that the Sleeper erased my memories?"

"You sound disbelieving" He remarked, a bitter laugh escaping his lips. "I knew it"

"I'm trying to get my thoughts straight" She protested. "There's a difference"

"It's a theory" Aiden told her. "I'm not blaming you for not believing me, but try to consider the situation"

"Evidence that led up to this?"

"Number 1: As we've seen in his files, he wasn't active on Friday, the 15th of February. Your birthday, Shah. Coincidentally, you were investigating the case up till the 15th, when you were found with blood all over you. But it wasn't his signature weapon that caused your injuries. In fact, you had no signs of torture on you. It seemed self-inflicted, as if you were trying to escape something. That's my evidence for your memories getting erased"

"For the rest of the theory?"

"Let's start with Solis being the Sleeper's daughter" Aiden sat down, across from her. "Solis, meaning sun in Spanish, and Solis, meaning only in Latin. If you put it together, it would mean only sun, two meanings in one word. Now, if she was much older, perhaps as old as the Sleeper's age, I would say she could be his wife. But Kristen said 'girl' not 'woman'. Meaning she's still young. That's my first point.

"Second point is, he doesn't want anyone to see her. He only ever protects her. Meaning, that if everyone was in danger, he would protect her"

"She's his commander" Aru refuted.

"True, but that doesn't give him a reason to protect her. As his commander, she should be fully capable of defending herself"

"Fine" Aru agreed, feeling somewhat proud of him. "And me knowing what she looks like?"

"Putting everything together" Aiden looked at her. "Solis wasn't commanding Kristen on your birthday. Another person was. I couldn't get the name since the time was up. But making an educated guess that she was with the Sleeper at that time, it means that before he erased your memories, you got a full view of her. But then things were lost"

Aru digested the information, swallowing thickly. She managed a weak laugh and said, "When did you get this smart?"

He smiled back. He asked wryly, "Have I not always been this smart?"

"Guess you have" Aru replied, not really replying to reply, but to say something to break silence.

"What do you think of it?"

"You're on to something, Acharya"

Aiden nodded at her. "Will this be a lead?"

"This will be a lead" Aru got up. "I'm going on a walk. Care to join me?"


Aiden's hands were shoved in his pockets as they walked on. Aru noticed his grim expression and decided to say something. "Great job on deducing that, by the way. It was amazing"

He glanced at her. "It wasn't all that. I couldn't have done it if you hadn't insisted on searching more"

Aru hummed. "I noticed you eyeing my office with annoyance. Something wrong with it?"

Aiden looked at her, surprised. And then he sighed. "Nothing escapes your line of sight, does it?"

"Not when it comes to you" Aru responded, smoothly. Shit, her flirting instincts kicked in. She continued with a hurry. "What's wrong with my office?"

"I didn't get—" Aiden stopped himself. "Nothing's wrong with it"

But Aru knew what he was about to say anyway. She almost smiled at the jealousy but she didn't. Instead she said, "We'll get you an office after the investigation, don't worry"

Aiden's ears reddened, his neck completely red too. And then he looked away and muttered, "I didn't say I wanted one"

"But don't you?" She grinned, reaching up to pat his shoulder. "Nothing to be embarrassed of, really"

"Shut up, Shah" Aiden huffed, his hand rubbing the back of his neck.

"Never" Aru laughed.

Aiden glared at her and kept walking. Aru smiled and caught up. "Jealous piece of shit"

"I am going to throw you halfway across the city"

"You could try, but I guarantee you can't"

"Are you calling me weak?" He fixed her with a challenging stare.

"You couldn't carry me" She shrugged nonchalantly.

He raised an eyebrow. "Well, you never know that until I—who's that?"

Aiden looked at a figure in the distance. Aru stopped mid-step and looked. Her face went pale.

Aiden looked back at her questioningly. Aru slowly reached up to tug his jacket. "Aiden. Don't panic. That's one of the Shadows"

His eyes widened. "Is that a gun in their hands?"

Aru's eyes squeezed shut and she swallowed as the thing in their hands turned. Aru could see that, even from where she was standing, which was around a mile away. "Aiden"

"Don't say it"

Her grip on his jacket tightened. "Aiden, it's pointed at us"

Oop I'm just gonna stop there. Lovely place to end the chapter, dont'cha think?

How was it?

-Loife xx

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