The warm, safe light (15)

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Most of the time, Aiden's sleep was always caused by aggression or disturbed by aggression or interrupted by aggression.

It was all three this time.

Aru had forced him to sleep. Usually, his dreams were filled with black nothingness. But this time, it was worse than black nothingness. Dreams were violent, violent things. Dreams were the things that would kill you or you would die for.

Aiden stood in a thorny forest, no light but fog. The dried leaves crushing under his feet as he walked. He wasn't scared. He was more wary and cautious.

Up ahead, he saw a light. A glow. A soft, warm, golden glow. He squinted his eyes.

Glory. The light is glory. Or...the light is safe. Safer than here.

He couldn't speak. Or at least he thought he couldn't. Until he spoke only a word.


His voice sounded foreign to his own ears, almost like it was more of a thought than a word. It meant so much more than a word. It was his safe word. It was his...

It was his light at the end of the tunnel.

"Are you in a coma again or something?"

Aiden stirred. "Hm?"

He was shaken awake. Aiden didn't have to open his eyes to know who it was.

"Wake up. There's a clue."

He opened his eyes. "What did you say?"

Aru waved an envelope in his eyes. "There's a clue."


After he got ready, he poured himself a cup of instant coffee. After taking a sip, his face scrunched up in disgust. Aru sat in front of him with her own coffee.

"How do you like this stuff?"

"I put loads of sugar. Anyway. The clue."

Aiden eyed the envelope on the table. "It's addressed to someone called Tintreach."

"Indeed. What does that tell you?"

"That we find someone called Tintreach?" He asked.

Aru sighed. "You couldn't be farther. First, answer me this. What does Tintreach mean?"

"Uh. Queen of Tins?"

"Close," Aru deadpanned.


"No. Anyway," Aru took a sip of the coffee. "Tintreach means lightning in Irish. It's addressed to me."

"Why did you make me play mind games at 6 in the morning?"

"I was testing you. Since this was so obviously a clue, I thought it would be better if we read it together. I'll read it once and give it to you."

It seemed like forever until the card was passed to him. He inspected it.

WE FORMALLY INVITE YOU TO THE 2023 TWOS! Like the name, it is recommended you come in pairs, but that's entirely your choice. If you get this card, please feel free to be welcomed in! The details are given below.


"This is an invite to a party?"

"Yeah. I'm guessing we're set up to come."

"It's this weekend, no?"

Aru hummed as she finished her coffee. She walked to the kitchen. "Read the dress code. I don't care what you say, you're not coming with me to a party with a hoodie and jeans. Or the detective uniform."

"Wait up. Coming with you?"

"Yeah. You don't follow?" Aru washed her mug. "There's only one card, addressed to me, Foudre. So technically, I'm the only one permitted. So we go, you as my plus one."

Aiden stared at her. "So..."

"That's right," Aru looked over her shoulder, staring at him back. "I'm your date."

hey guys :p

how are y'all? I've been doing pretty good. I'd like to address something, though. Please don't urge me to update. there is a reason I'm not updating, and you have no idea how it is in my life. recently, I had a message on my board urging me to update 100%. You know who you are. I am a 9th grader, going into 10th in around 2 months, and am extremely busy. Please understand when im not updating. I have a life too, you know.

anyway, how was the chapter?

- Loife xx

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