Chapter 36

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"Clara, no", Taehyung wasn't too proud to beg her to stay but he hoped she'd agree with his reasoning instead. "It isn't the right time for you to go. Security isn't ready to fly with you or meet you at the airport. You are best protected by staying here. And I'm really not ready to be away from you and the boys. Maybe now more than ever."

"I'm sorry Tae," Clara's eyes began to mist up. "I've decided already. I know you like us with you but it just isn't working. The boys and I are going home."

"Please", Taehyung wrapped his arms around her and buried his head in her neck. "Please just give me one week. If you still want to go, you can go, I'll organize it myself. This is a big decision and it feels too sudden. Let's just take a bit of time to make sure this is really the right thing."

"Tae...". Clara couldn't say anything else, overwhelmed with tears. Eventually she relented. "Ok, I'll stay, but I need you to promise me that in seven days the boys and I will be on a plane if that is what I still want."

"Yes, yes of course Clara. I promise."

Well, that was one crisis averted, now he just needed to prove to Clara that she could be comfortable staying. He knew he had a big hill to climb.

"Have you eaten at all today? Should I get you something?"

Clara shook her head no. "I'm really not hungry. The boys are with their grandparents. I feel better if they stay there for now. It just doesn't feel safe having them in the room with us."

"Oh Clara, I'm sure it is fine but if you want I can have security come and sweep the room again. Do you want me to get them?"

Clara shook her head no but Taehyung insisted. It only took a few minutes before two of the security staff came in and swept the whole room. When they were done Taehyung asked them to do it a second time, just so they could be certain. When the second sweep turned up similar results Taehyung offered a polite bow and thanked the team for their effort.

"See, everything is fine sweetheart. You can relax." Taehyung reached out to hold her close but she shifted further away.

"You can sleep in the bed tonight, I'd rather sleep on the couch."

"Oh Clara, sweetheart, no. Please come to the bed with me."

Clara steadfastly refused. Eventually Taehyung offered to sleep on the couch and give Clara the bed, wanting to ensure his pregnant wife would sleep as well as possible considering the circumstances.

The next morning Clara was still entirely buried under the covers when Taehyung got up and left. When he arrived at the morning meeting the room was already abuzz.

"Tae, did you know your parents were going to go to the press?"

"What?!?" Taehyung shouted back. "Of course not, what did they say now?"

"Calm down Taehyung-ah, it was ok this time. They went on a talk show and gave unconditional support for you and for Clara and apologized for what they said in the hospital. They told the host it was just an emotional time and they acknowledged they didn't behave their best. They also called out those who have been criticizing Clara saying they shouldn't judge someone they don't know and sharing how much they love Clara and how happy you are with her. Overall it would have been better if we were more coordinated, but it seems to have done much more good than harm this time."

"Does anyone have a recording of the video? I want to watch it. And show Clara."

A manager handed him a tablet and Taehyung found a quiet corner to watch the interview. It was a major talk show. He wasn't even sure how they possibly could have been invited as guests without his knowledge.

The interview went basically like he had heard. His parents asked his fans to be gentle with Clara recognizing that Taehyung loved her dearly. Criticizing Clara was like criticizing Taehyung because she was the beloved mother of his children and his precious wife.

After watching the interview Taehyung immediately reached for his phone to call his father.

"Appa! I just saw the interview. Why didn't you tell me you were going to do it?"

"Ah, Taehyung-ah. Your mother and I discussed it and we realized we'd been too harsh on Clara. Even if she isn't what we envisioned for you, when we watched the videos of ourselves we could see that we had done the wrong thing. As everything multiplied we knew we had to do something."

"But why now Appa? This has been a problem for weeks."

"Well, I don't know how to say this son, but we know about the video that was leaked."

"You do?" Taehyung was mortified. "Please tell me you haven't watched it."

"Of course not. We heard about it from a friend. No matter what we think, you and Clara's privacy should never have been invaded like that. It was just wrong in so many ways. We were still thinking about whether we might do something to help with the situation, but when we learned about the video we felt we needed to take action. So we did. I'm sorry I didn't tell you in advance. We really wanted to move quickly."

"Oh, ok, I guess that makes sense. But did you really mean those things you said? When you said Clara was precious to you?"

"Taehyung-ah, your mother and I aren't blind. We know Clara and now the boys are the center of your universe. If she is precious to you then she is precious to us too. I know we haven't quite figured out how to be a family yet, but your mother and I know that Clara makes you happy, and we want you to be happy."

"Thanks Appa. Thanks for understanding that and for helping me protect Clara and the boys. It really means a lot to me."

"I know, now you should get back to your family. Also, what's this I hear about Clara being pregnant? Are you really going to have more children this close to the twins?"

Taehyung had forgotten that his parents didn't know yet. "Oh yeah, surprise! I guess there's just been a lot going on. I'm sorry if I forgot to tell you. Yes, Clara is expecting again so soon we will have three little ones."

"You better hope it isn't twins again TaeTae. I'm not sure you are ready for that."

Taehyung laughed. "I think you're right. We would definitely have our hands full."

"I'll let you get back to what you need to do there. Just call us if you need anything ok? And give the twins a kiss for us."

"Ok, love you Appa."

"I love you too Taehyung-ah."

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