Chapter 16

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It had just been one horrific nightmare. As soon as Taehyung got the first text from Clara his heart sank. She should have just come with him. He should have insisted. They were only a few days into pretending that Sooyun was the twins' mother and it was already falling apart.

For starters he wasn't very happy with how excited Sooyun seemed when she found out Clara was delayed. He didn't have a lot of options but to have her watch the twin while he was working and waiting for Clara to catch up, although he gave Yoonseo strict instructions to never take his eyes off her. By the time he got back to the room he was too exhausted in his frustration to bother sending her to her own room, so she slept in the main room of the suite to help with the boys at night. Yoonseo was still there too, Taehyung was smart enough to know that no woman but his wife or his mother should be spending the night in his hotel room without supervision.

By the next morning Sooyun was back to calling the boys "ours" and loudly assuring them that they were doing such a good job managing without their mother and she would take care of them instead. It was not great but Taehyung really wasn't in a spot to start a fight with her. He did need her to help with the twins until Clara was there and thankfully the twins wouldn't understand what she was saying.

It wasn't just that. Taehyung missed Clara, and knowing she was probably upset too didn't help matters. He could tell the boys missed Clara too. They were very fussy and the little tiger was flat out refusing bottles. Meanwhile the little cub was only consoled by skin to skin contact. He hated the idea of Sooyun doing it, but at a certain point he had to acknowledge that it was better than letting him wail in distress all day. Taehyung was trying to get as much skin to skin time as possible, but with Sooyun in the suite he eventually had to abandon some modesty and returned to being around her without a shirt.

He understood why Clara would be upset. To arrive and see Sooyun in her place, neither of them dressed for the day? If the situation was reversed he would have been crushed. He was just trying to hand off the little tiger so he could take a shower but the baby's hands were clutching his hair and wouldn't let go. Sooyun was trying to get him to release his grip, but of course it looked terrible. Their faces were right next to each other and, well, he didn't even want to imagine what Clara might be thinking.

He knew Clara was probably exhausted and rightly upset, but he was also irritated that Kookie had taken her away from him. He didn't like Kookie thinking that he knew better than him what was best for Clara. He'd let it go this time mostly because he was relieved to keep Clara and Sooyun apart for a bit longer, but he wouldn't be so forgiving toward the maknae next time.

Kookie had dragged Taehyung into the main BTS suite where the managers had already set out coffee and some breakfast items. "Just eat something first, Hyung. Clara was out like a light, I'm sure she'll be sleeping for a while."

Taehyung nibbled at the breakfast but his mind was elsewhere. A few others came in asking if Clara had made it back but Taehyung just ignored them.

"Yeah, she just arrived about a half hour ago, she's taking a nap right now." Jungkook filled them in.

Suddenly Taehyung stood up, abandoning his half eaten breakfast. "Kookie, give me your key," he demanded, holding his hand out for the card.

The other guys looked on in confusion but Jungkook just sighed before handing his room key over to Taehyung.

Taehyung slipped out the door and headed down the hallway, needing to see his wife. Sliding the key in the reader he heard the door lock whir open and let himself in, making sure the door didn't slam behind him. His beautiful wife was tucked under Jungkook's covers, hair spread all over his pillow. All he could think was that he never wanted to see his wife in another man's bed again, no matter what the situation. He wanted to carry her back to their suite but knew Sooyun would be there. He didn't want to risk another run-in so it was best to stay here for now.

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