Chapter 15

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By the time Taehyung made it home he was so tired he forgot to discuss with Clara the travel arrangements for the next day. He simply crawled into bed next to his wife. The first time she bounced up to check on the twins he dragged all three of the back into the bed, so tired he knew he wouldn't be woken by even the most aggressive baby feet and fists.

He wanted to hold Clara but the twins were between them on the mattress. If he was honest he wanted more than to just hold her. She hadn't allowed him to be with her intimately for several weeks now, somehow still anxious about her body. While he didn't want to pressure her he was feeling increasingly out of sorts and frustrated, becoming desperate to reaffirm their close connection. The members had noticed he was becoming a bit testy but he had only told Jimin the real reason, swearing him to secrecy. Hopefully it would resolve itself shortly and they could return back to normal.

Yoonseo woke him in the morning, apologizing for coming into their bedroom but pointing out that Taehyung must have overslept his alarm. Taehyung quickly got up and got dressed. They had a television show this morning before they left for the airport. Hopefully he wouldn't be gone too long.

By the time he returned to the hotel all of his and the family's bags were packed and waiting by the door. Clara was double checking the diaper bag to make sure everything was fully stocked and organized and the twins were getting some last playtime on a blanket before they would be strapped in the car seats.

"Clara, oh I'm so glad you are here. We need to talk about the travel plans. Originally you and the boys were supposed to fly with me on the private jet for this leg of the trip since it's quite long. But there is a little snag. There is only one extra seat on the jet and we can't have Sooyun fly commercial without the twins since it would raise a lot of questions. We have two options."

"Sooyun and the twins can fly with me and the members and you can fly commercial and meet us there. But honestly the members really didn't like that idea. And I mean REALLY didn't like it."

"Otherwise Sooyun and Yoonseo can fly commercial with the twins and you can fly on the jet with me. What do you think?" Taehyung paused, wanting to make sure he was respecting Clara's wishes but hoping she would just fly with him.

Clara didn't really like either option. "I don't like the idea of being away from the twins even if Yoonseo is with Sooyun. I think I'd rather fly commercial with them so I can keep an eye on the boys even if we don't sit right next to each other. Would that work?"

"Sure sweetheart, whatever you want. I'll tell the company so they can sort out the tickets." Just then Yoonseo came back in the suite so Taehyung shared the plan with him so everything could be organized.

After quickly checking the room to make sure everything was in order and nothing was left behind, Taehyung gave Clara a kiss and grabbed his suitcase. "Our flight leaves a bit before yours so I need to head out first. But I'll see you and the boys in California soon ok? I'll make sure everything is ready for you when you arrive."

Before long staff had come to collect the remaining bags and Sooyun came in accompanied by security. She hurried over to the twins who were already strapped in their car seats in the double stroller. "Clara, if you don't mind giving me the diaper bag, we can go."

Reluctantly handing over the bag, Clara gave both the boys a loving kiss on the head. "Mama won't be far, I promise. I love you and I'll see you soon."

Clara rode in a separate car from Sooyun, Yoonseo, and the twins. When she arrived at the ticket counter a staff member was standing there fidgeting nervously.

"Ah, Clara, I'm so sorry but we weren't able to get you on the same flight as the others. It was just so last minute and we weren't expecting you. But I booked you on the next available flight I could find. Unfortunately it has a few stops along the way. I'm so, so sorry, please forgive me."

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