Chapter 47

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My dear real time readers, I'm sorry I didn't give you an update last Friday.  It ended up being a surprisingly busy week and I just didn't have time.  But don't worry, I didn't forget about you.  I promise this story will continue to update regularly!

Which brings me to a question.  I write throughout the week and post them real time (as in, I don't have the whole book pre-written).  Sometimes I'm able to give you many chapters at once which is a lot of fun.  However, that means if I don't have much time to write the following week the chapters may feel a bit sparse.  Is it better to post everything I write as soon as it's ready or is it better to space out my chapters so they are more even each week?  I can't quite decide, so I'm happy to hear what you think! 


Taehyung had another concert that night which kept him away from the hotel, but Clara and the boys relocated back to the shared room as promised. A security manager picked up dinner outside the hotel for Clara to ensure it wouldn't be tampered with. When Taehyung checked in to make sure she received it, Clara promised that she would eat the meal. The twins were also starting to nibble on solid food so she enjoyed sharing the delicious bites of the softer foods with them. While they squealed in delight at each mouthful, they also shouted in protest when Clara was feeding the other twin. Clara was remembering that each stage of development would present new challenges when parenting multiples. Hopefully Taehyung would be able to spend a lot of time at home with them after their little sibling arrived since her hands would definitely be full. In the meantime she couldn't be thankful enough for her adoptive parents who were always by her side offering any support she could possibly need.

The twins had a busy night splashing in the tub, eating anything Clara would offer, and practicing becoming mobile. The little tiger had started to crawl short distances while the little cub was testing his legs standing next to the furniture. They both had become quite vocal more recently, testing out new sounds both with Clara and with each other.

They spent almost the entire day side by side. Clara did occasionally have to intervene when they were playing together. One might begin tugging the other's hair, accidentally throw a toy and hit the other, or steal a favorite plaything. Yet even in their bit of rivalry they were always drawn back to each other. They still slept in the same crib at night since the few times they tried to separate them resulted in a lot of whining and complaining from the young boys.

By the time they were in bed for the night Clara was similarly exhausted. She sat down for just a few minutes before she got back up to start packing, a necessary chore considering they'd change cities tomorrow morning. Finally satisfied with her progress she changed into a set of Taehyung's sweatpants and sweatshirt and crawled into the bed.

It was quite late when Taehyung finally arrived back and he could only sigh in relief when he saw his wife in his bed and the twins crib back in their large walk-in closet. He quickly stopped by to whisper goodnight to the sleeping babies before hopping into the shower to get himself ready to sleep.

Crawling into the bed he jostled Clara while trying to pull her close.

"Tae?" She murmured, eyes still closed and half asleep.

"Hey baby girl, it's just me. Sorry I woke you up, you can go back to sleep."

"Oh, ok. What time is it?"

Taehyung craned his neck to see the clock. "It's almost 2 in the morning."

This got Clara's attention and she started to wake a bit more. "Really? Why are you so late?"

Taehyung held her close and kissed her forehead. "Jungkookie had a little accident and got a cut on his foot. They had to send him to get stitches so the day was totally thrown off. Jin and I were working to get him changed and settled into bed. I left when Dr. Park got there."

Clara sat up, "Really? Is he ok? Is there something I can do?"

Taehyung gently eased her back down. "He's fine Clara, just a little frustrated by the timing. You'll have the whole flight tomorrow to check on him, for now it's time to sleep."

Taehyung yawned. "Oh, and because Jungkookie can't really walk right now we're skipping the airport media. The car will take all of us directly to the plane so that should be easier for you too."

Clara nodded into his chest.

Taehyung yawned again, pulling Clara even snugger against his tall frame. "Good night sweetheart. I love you." And then even quieter he continued. "Thank you for coming back to me. I missed you."

"I missed you too." Clara whispered in exchange and shuffled to rest her cheek on his chest. "Goodnight Taehyung."

"Goodnight Clara."

It wasn't much later when Taehyung woke up realizing his wife was restless in his arms. He immediately understood the issue, he knew she didn't sleep well while she was too warm. She was once again covered in too many clothes and he needed to cool her down.

"Sweetheart," he nudged her back to consciousness, "I think you are too warm. Can I take off your sweatshirt and sweatpants for you? You can just leave the t-shirt on underneath, ok?"

Clara took a bit to wake and even when she did she remained a bit hesitant, but she eventually allowed Taehyung to slide the fabric off of her and he could immediately feel her exhale in relief.

"Now it is time to really sleep, baby girl. We both need our rest before tomorrow."


It had been so long since things went smoothly that Clara was almost surprised by how seamlessly things went in the morning. The boys mercifully slept in a bit later than usual. Clara eventually heard one begin to babble so she went to grab them to bring them to the main room, but after seeing Taehyung in the bed they whined until Clara gently set them on the bed so they could wake him up. She tried not to giggle as they slowly worked their way closer, hands slapping on the bed, eventually crawling on top of him. Clara could see a small smile tweak her husband's lips until he grabbed both boys in a tight hug violently rocking them back and forth while they squealed with laughter.

He kissed both on the head before showing his sleepy eyes to Clara. "Good morning, beautiful. Did you sleep well?"

Clara confirmed that she had rested peacefully in Taehyung arms, then apologized for the twins disrupting his rest.

Taehyung raised one eyebrow at her. "I'm pretty sure you didn't try to stop the boys, baby girl. But don't worry, I have my own plans for how I can pay you back."

Clara squeaked and turned red before quickly gathering the boys in her arms and moving as far away from the bed as possible while giggling. "I think that's my sign to take the boys and get ready!"

Taehyung smiled after his wife, watching her hold both boys close, one in each arm while they settled their heads on her shoulder, soaking in her warmth. This right here was the dream he imagined when he asked Clara to join him on tour. Now he just needed to find some way to make this their regular reality.

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