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"I do not know when the silver cat will come, or from where, but we will know it when he arrives."


Under the starry night sky, a group of cats, their fur caked in mud, cautiously entered the clearing. Despite their filthy appearance, their eyes shimmered brightly in the moonlight. The leader of the group, Stoneteller, greeted them with a rasping mew, "Welcome, for it is time for a gathering, according to the sacred laws of the Tribe of Endless Hunting."

A cat stepped forward, bowing low to his leader, and inquired, "When will the silver cat come?"

Stoneteller licked his muzzle and flexed his claws into the ground, contemplating the question. "I do not know when or from where the silver cat will come, but when it arrives, we shall know," he responded with a hint of uncertainty.

The cat nodded and retreated, causing a hushed murmur to fill the clearing as whispers of the silver cat spread among the cats. Stoneteller silenced them with a flick of his tail and declared, "We must remain steadfast and resilient, even if it takes time. Its arrival is imminent."

Agreeing nods rippled through the group, and they dispersed, each cat going about their business. However, Stoneteller remained behind, perched atop the crown of pointed stones, his gaze fixed upon the ethereal orb of moonlight suspended within.

"I hope your words ring true," he whispered softly, his head dipping in reverence. With a heavy heart, he eventually turned away from the clearing, leaving the faintly glowing orb to illuminate the night.

Suddenly, the orb flashed with vivid images. A majestic dragon, white and grey, breathing forth blazing fire, and a thunderous thud accompanied by a screech of fury and a resounding roar.

Then, darkness enveloped the orb, and once again, silence settled upon the clearing of pointed stones.

Warriors #3: Moonrise ✓Where stories live. Discover now