Chapter 23

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Starspeckle's POV

As the next sunrise painted the sky with vibrant colors, I yawned in my nest, curled up beside Squirrelpaw. Brambleclaw had already left on patrol since his side of the nest had grown cold.

Yesterday, just before dusk, I informed my parents about what had transpired, and they agreed to let me share a nest with my new mates. I nudged the orange tabby she-cat, and she stirred, her green eyes still heavy with sleep. "Starspeckle, what's the matter?" she murmured.

I smiled and licked her face. "The morning has arrived," I mewed, rising to my paws and stretching, shaking off any clinging moss from my pelt. A yawn sounded behind me, and I saw Squirrelpaw also getting up, trying her fiery body. I purred, running my tail down her flank. "Come on, being mates now doesn't change our duties as warriors."

Squirrelpaw nodded, and we made our way out of the warriors' den. I spotted Mistyheart sharing tongues with Father and padded over to them. She smiled, her expression shifting to a smirk when she noticed Squirrelpaw following me. "Finally, it happened. Brambleclaw is out on patrol, but he'll be back soon," she remarked, giving my ear a lick. I smiled and returned the gesture, licking her shoulder.

"Squirrelpaw and I were wondering if there's anything we can do," I asked Firestar, who looked up from grooming Mistyheart's back. He smiled and flicked his tail. "Cloudtail could use some assistance in training a few apprentices. We must keep them busy, especially with the Twolegs encroaching on our territory. Take some warriors with you if you venture outside the camp. I don't want any more cats to go missing."

I nodded, and together, Squirrelpaw and I made our way to the training hollow, where Cloudtail was instructing a group of apprentices. And so, the day unfolded, with the sun journeying from north to east, casting its warm rays upon our Clan.


"Try and attack me, but don't let me know when," Cloudtail instructed. I lashed my tail, feeling frustrated with this warrior training I didn't think I needed.

Nevertheless, Cloudtail was my cousin in some sense, and I reluctantly obliged, knowing it might benefit me in some way. You're lucky we're somewhat kin, Cloudtail, or else I wouldn't have bothered listening to you, I thought bitterly, preparing to strike.

With a quick, sheathed paw, I suddenly moved towards the white warrior, who yelped and stumbled backward, clearly caught off guard. I smirked; this time, my teeth gently grazed his shoulder before releasing him.

"That... was well done!" Cloudtail praised, recovering from the surprise attack. I huffed and sat down, starting to lick my paws clean.

I noticed something flicker in the corner of my eye and turned to see Cloudtail leaping into the air, his paws outstretched. Raising an eyebrow and twitching my ear, I swiftly dashed towards him, colliding with him and tumbling to the ground with a thud. "Ouf!"

We quickly returned to our paws, purring with amusement and touching heads. "You did well, Starspeckle. Carry on now," he encouraged, flicking his tail towards Squirrelpaw, who was waiting for me at the entrance to the hollow. I gave my cousin a grateful smile and made my way to join my mate.

"Nice to see you teach that to a lesson," Squirrelpaw chuckled, and we walked out of the hollow together, the happiness between us palpable.

However, deep down, I knew that something was lurking above us, a challenge that only the strength of our friendship could overcome. But what if the dragon within me decides to emerge and disrupt our peace?

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